Saturday, February 8, 2025
The Indian society is characterized by a system of social stratification. Because of the stratification system social inequalities were created which made the barriers of denial of access to materials, cultural and educational resources to the disadvantaged groups of society. These disadvantaged groups are SCs, STs, women, OBC (non- creamy layer), minorities and physically challenged persons. It shows from the demographic factors that a large section of population of our country is still disadvantaged and marginalized.
Rigid compartmentalized of caste system forced SCs to be socially deprived to render services without any claim on returns. The deprivation of dignity, identity and rights resulted in their dehumanization and humiliation. The toils and tears of STs were not very different from those of SCs. The STs were isolated, neglected and exploited. Both SCs and STs continue to suffer from social disabilities even today. Women, victims of the past traditions and customs of the Indian society, were considered to be unequal and inferior.
Since gender disparity is known to lead to serious social imbalance, it is essential to neutralize these distortions of the past. To ensure the same, the Parliament has passed the Act called the Person with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act 1995. On achieving independence, the nation took a conscious decision to undo.
Indian Constitution enshrined democratization as one of the main objectives of education and anticipated the democratic expansion of education to serve social and economic upward mobility. Eligibility Conditions Assistance under this scheme will be provided to all Colleges which have been included under Sections 2(f) and 12B of the UGC Act, 1956. UGC has been addressing national concerns of access, equality, while ensuring the standard of quality and relevance of education by implementing policies of the Government of India and promoting several schemes.
Colleges have become more responsive to the needs and constraints of the disadvantaged social groups. Therefore, the UGC has planned to establish Equal Opportunity Centres in colleges.
To provide guidance and counselling with respect to academic, social and other matters and to enhance the diversity within the campus among the weaker section community belonging to SC, ST and OBC and Minorities students.
Assistant Professor(C)
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G Devender, MCA, HDSE, M.Com
Department of Commerce , Nizam College