Tuesday, October 22, 2024

National Cadet Corps


The NCC was created as University Corps under the Indian Defense Act, 1917 with the objective to train students for the Army. In 1920, when the Indian Territorial Act was passed, the “University Corps” was replaced by the “University Training Corps” (UTC). In 1942, the UTC was renamed as the “University Officers Training Corps” (UOTC). In September 1946, under the chairmanship of Kunzru, a committee was set up for establishment of a nation-wide youth organization. To widen the scope of NCC Training, the Army NCC unit in Girls Division was introduced in 1949. Air force and Naval NCC Units followed soon in 1950 and 1952 respectively. This voluntary youth organization, which started with 20,000 cadets, is today probably the largest uniformed youth organization in the world with 13 lakh cadets (boys and girls). The NCC Head quarter is in New Delhi headed by a Director General with the rank of Lieutenant General. He is assisted by two Additional Director Generals (A and B) of two-star rank (Major-General, Rear-Admiral or Air Vice-Marshal). Control and co-ordination are exercised through 17 State Directorates with each headed by an Additional Director General or Deputy Director General of the rank of Major General or Brigadier or equivalent ranks of the Navy and Air Force. At present, there are 96 NCC Group HQs and 800 units located throughout the country providing NCC coverage to 633 districts. NCC is a tri - service organization and consists of Army, Navy and Airforce which trains lakh of students under its fold. Students who have undergone NCC training have self-discipline, leadership qualities and good value systems.



Dr. Naveen Reddy, NCC Officer