Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Nizam College, is an epitome of nobility, benevolence, and royal nature which are distinctive of the erstwhile ruler of Nizam State. The college upholds the ideals of the establishment and continues the legacy of commitment and dedication to the cause of Higher education. It continues its vision and mission of contributing to the World at large, and the Nation in particular in terms of Academic Excellence, Research and Social Activism.

All those who enter the portals of Nizam College are bound to follow the Policy of Ethics by upholding these core values. From the Principal, the Faculty, Administration support staff and students all adhere to the following ideals.

  • Utmost commitment to the work assigned.
  • Dedication to their work and College.
  • Sincerity and honesty in discharging their duties.
  • Confidentiality and Secrecy of the sensitive information of the College to be maintained.
  • They shall comply with all orders from the Principal or the Vice-Chancellor that are issued from time to time.
  • Maintain universal values of love, kindness and compassion.
  • Uphold the ideals of fraternity, equality and respect towards one another.
  • Personal interests are always relegated to the secondary position and College is always at the higher stage.
  • Maintain the holistic, inclusive and secular values of the Institution, the Constitution and the Nation.
  • Desist from any activities that would demean the women staff and girls students.
  • Extend the warmth and hospitality that is characteristic of the Telangana State and the Nation to the International students (Atthithidevo Bhava).
  • Maintain the decency of language, decorum and dress, and refrain from using abusive language, obscene behavior and provocative comments.
  • Usage of any animals and human beings for research and scientific purpose is not permitted. If required, permissions will be taken from the Institutional Ethical Committee.


By taking proactive measures and providing adequate accommodations, Nizam College (Autonomous), Hyderabad, hopes to provide an inclusive environment for higher education that includes students with disabilities. Our college provides special care and assistance to help the differently-abled become self-reliant and independent, and strives to make education and other services available to everyone without discrimination. Keeping in mind the difficulties that students with disabilities now encounter in the higher education sector, we strive to offer a barrier-free learning environment to all students, including those with disabilities. The college upholds all essential efforts to ensure that the facilities and infrastructure are consistent for everyone, with specific accommodations made for individuals who fit the description of Divyangjan (Differently abled).

Furthermore, Nizams College sought to establish an inclusive education that takes policy recommendations toward increased accessibility for the disabled in higher education in order to provide a need-based approach for students with disabilities.

  •  College provides admission as per the government policy under Section 16 PWD Act2016.
  • Provisions in the infrastructure facility (like a ramp, rail, wheelchairs, toilet, apps tosupport teaching learning in library) for their easy access to campus facilities andCollege.
  •  Observation of important days and inclusion of disabled in college functions helped tobring attention to issues that impact the disability community and increase awarenessof the need for integration of people with disabilities into the mainstream of society.
  •  College wholeheartedly facilitates special necessities such as helper/scribe and extratime for writing examinations, where applicable.
  •  The college office facilitates judicious availability of scholarships provided by theState government.
  •  College offers motivational talks, webinars, and conferences to motivate the students

Admission policy for DIVYANGJAN Candidates [As per Osmania University and Nizam’s College Hyderabad)
1.1 Reservation for Persons with Disabilities (PD)
a) Candidates with physical disabilities: In addition to the authorized number of seats,three percent (3%) of the seats for degree programs should be created and reserved forphysically disabled candidates, up to the statutory maximum. Additional seats abovethe statutory limit may be created in programs where the sanctioned strength and thestatutory limit are the same, solely for the admission of the aforementionedcandidates.

b) Of the 3%, 1% are set aside for the blind, 1% for the deaf, and 1% for people with

c) orthopedic disabilities. There is a clause allowing for the exchange of seats in the event that there are no candidates in a given category for a given year.

d) The blind and deaf are not eligible for reservation in Science subjects involvingpractical. The candidates should produce the medical certificate issued by thedistrict medical board or higher authorities stating that the disability is 40% orabove.

e) After carefully examining the appropriateness, PG course reservations will be granted3% overall, faculty-by-faculty in university teaching departments and college-by-college in affiliated colleges. The Medical Board will certify that a candidate has aminimum of 40% disability before they can be considered for admission to the seats reserved for students with physical disabilities. The qualifying examination markswill be used to determine the ranking of these eligible candidates.

1.2 Examination Policy for Divyangjan (Differently-Abled) Candidates
Concession to Physically Handicapped and Mentally Challenged Candidate in theExamination.
a) Physically Handicapped candidates
For individuals with disabilities, an extra thirty minutes is allowed during a three-hour exam (a proportionate deduction or enhancement will be given based on the examination duration). If a medical certificate specifically states that an individual is incapable of writing due to a permanent disability, then permission to use a scribe will be granted.
b) Blind Candidates
Candidates who are blind will be granted an additional fifteen minutes per hour during the examination, along with the option to use the scribe's services. They are not required to respond to questions about graph drawing, phonetic transcription, etc. A copy of the medical certificate certified by the Government Hospital's principal or superintendent will be accepted in the event of complete blindness or a permanent disability for which there
is no treatment. An additional 45 minutes is allotted to each three-hour paper, with shorter papers receiving a proportionate reduction in time for blind candidates with visual standards ranging from 1 to 19%.
Candidates who are blind and are accepted into the college are not required to pay the special fees or tuition that the controller of examinations has set for the course. But in order to receive a degree certificate, they have to pay fees.
c) Students with Writing Disabilities
The college provides scribes for students with writing disabilities who are unable to write with their hands.
d) Deaf and Dumb Candidates:
A deaf or dumb candidate may receive 10 Grace Grade Points (GGP) in their exams; this award will be made at the conclusion of the even semester each year. For every exam, even the supplemental exams, they are qualified to receive Grace Grade Points.



Percentage of Grace Marks/grades to be awarded


Candidates having 40% to49 disability (Certified by a Medical Board)

10%(of the marks/grades



Candidates having 50% to 59% disability (Certified

By a Medical Board)


15%(of the marks/grades




Candidates having 60% to 69% disability (Certified

by a Medical Board)



20%(of the marks/grades




Candidates having70% and above disability

(Certified by a Medical Board)



25%(of the marks/grades



  •  In serial numbers 1, 2, and 3 of the above table (UO No. 17621/2019/admin dated 18/12/2019), the maximum grace marks/grades awarded shall not be accounted to achieve 80% of marks in a particular course. Instead, it may be up to 79% marks/grades in each course (common course, core, complementary, and open).
  • Up to 89% of marks or grades in each course (common, core, complementary, and open in serial no. 4 of the above table; UO No. 17621/2019/admin dated 18/12/2019) may be achieved with the maximum grace marks or grades that are
  •  In the case of mental disability (defined as "intellectual disability that includes Autism and Specific Learning Disabilities"), the percentage of disability need not be insisted upon; instead, grace marks can be awarded to individuals with mental disabilities based on a certificate issued by the Medical Board or a government psychiatrist. A candidate with mental disabilities, such as autism and specific learning disabilities, will receive a grace mark equivalent to 25% of their final
    grade. For both UG and PG exams, the grace mark system is in effect (UO No.17621/2019/admin dated 18/12/2019).
  • 1.3 Appointment of Scribes at Examination
    Following are the criteria for appointing a scribe for Examination:
    a) The person posted as scribe should not be a teacher, student or relative of the candidates.
    b) Educational qualification of the scribe should be less than the candidate.
    c) A separate form should be provided for the candidate which should be away from the room where other candidates are seated.
    d)Aninvigilatorshouldbepostedintheroomandthechiefsuperintendentshouldalsokeep vigilanceovertheroom.
    e) The candidate shall submit a separate application for each semester examination for availing the service of scribe and compensatory time supported by the relevant document.
    f) Remuneration per day may be paid to the scribe as allotted by the university order for the conduct of the examination.

    The relationship between Nizam’s College and nature is a long and enduring one. The buildings of this educational institutions stand in the middle of a lush green campus, in the heart of the city of Hyderabad. Since its inception, the college has always had sustainable initiatives at the core of its activities. A huge area is left in its natural form and acts as a natural habitat for biodiversity and a large variety of species of grasses, herbs, shrubs and trees.
    Scope of the Policy
    The co-curricular and extracurricular activities under the policies of Green Policy, Energy, and Waste Management Policies inspire students to take the initiative in bringing about positive change. Under these initiatives, all administrative and infrastructure functions must be thoroughly reviewed from the perspectives of sustainability, energy efficiency, and the environment.

    The focus areas of Green policy are:

    • Clean Campus Initiatives
    • Landscaping Initiatives
    •  Clean Air Initiatives
    • Smoking Free Campus
    •  Solar Power Plant
    •  Installation of Energy Efficiency Equipment
    • Awareness Initiatives
    • Environment-centric Student Societies and Department Activities

      Objectives of the Policy

      • To safeguard and preserve the campus's natural resources and systems.
      • To make sure that environmental resources are used wisely in order to fulfill the goals and needs of both the current and upcoming generations.
      • To incorporate environmental considerations into social development and outreach policies, plans, and programs.
      • To collaborate with all relevant parties and the nearby community in order to increase awareness, encourage the adoption of environmentally sound practices, and lessen any negative environmental effects.
      • To continuously improve our contribution for climate protection and adaptation to climate change and conservation of global resources.
      • To consistently enhance the effective use of all resources, such as water and energy, and to lower consumption and waste production as much as possible Recycling waste.
      • To make the campus plastic free.
      • To periodically carry out energy and environmental audits.
      • To reduce the amount of paper used in administration by implementing an e-governance policy.

      Clean Campus Initiative:
      Nizams college actively plans and carries out campus and college-wide cleaning initiatives in line with the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan vision. The following is the broad

      • Organizing frequent cleanliness drives to raise public awareness of hygiene and cleanliness among students and staff. The intention is to inspire them to make a proactive contribution.
      • An essential part of all the community service that the college's NSS, NCC, and Green Society volunteers perform will fall under the "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan."
      • Staff Members will be encouraged to participate in the cleanliness drive in the college campus.
      • There will be competitions for slogans and posters, essay writing, spoken word poetry, speeches, and skits about "Swachh Bharat."
      • To raise public awareness, rallies on topics related to the "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan" will be held on and around college campuses.

      • Remove all kinds of waste material like broken furniture, unusable equipment etc
      •  Administration of the annual commitment made by faculty, staff, and students to keep the college campus and its environs clean.
      • Conduct workshops on the 3Rs: Reduce, Reusing and Recycling of waste.
      • Make a commitment to trash management and upkeep of the campus, particularlyduring college events.

      Landscaping Initiatives
      Similar to its buildings, a college's campus landscape can be thought of as the tangible representation of its core principles. It is an essential component of campus life, offering areas for learning, recreation, outdoor activities, leisure, and the appreciation of art. In addition to controlling runoff and assisting in groundwater recharge, green campus landscapes also purify and cool campus air. The dedication of the campus community to sustainability is reflected in the landscape. Campus landscapes are highly visible and accessible, making landscaping initiatives an excellent means of raising environmental awareness.
      The college commits to enriching this healthy habitat and maintaining the symbiotic relation of the institution with nature by
      ● Organizing annual tree plantation drives
      ● Encouraging student societies to hold tree planting events.

      Smoking free Campus
      As per the guidelines set forth by the National Tobacco Control Programme (NTCP) 2007-2008, smoking and the use of other tobacco products are strictly forbidden at the college. In an effort to promote a tobacco-free environment, Smoking and tobacco use are strictly forbidden on and around campus as a first step in this direction. The college's antismoking committee makes sure that the antismoking rule is followed.

      Awareness Initiatives
      In order for every member of the campus community to respect the goals of the policy and support its execution, outreach and education are crucial. For this reason, Nizam college encourages and supports awareness-raising efforts as well as conferences, seminars, workshops, and other interactive events that help to ensure that the Green Campus, Energy, and Environment policies are implemented effectively.

      Environment-centric Student Societies and Department Activities
      The college encourages all departments to plan events, competitions, and training sessions that will result in grassroots, positive environmental changes, as well as specific student societies like Green Society, NSS, NCC, and others. In order to shape its students into engaged participants in environmental preservation and protection, the college provides departments and student societies with support.
      As a result of institutional shifts toward sustainability and environmentally friendly practices, an increasing number of students are joining Green Society. The institution will have a larger platform to promote and raise awareness of its environmental values if it becomes a mandatory society. The implementation of mandatory societies entails a certain amount of work and dedication, which will facilitate the exponential growth of green initiatives and
      practices as part of this policy.

    Higher Education Policy aims at recognising the importance of multidisciplinary approach to education, research, vocational training, skilled based training, teacher training and the use of technology to enhance the teaching learning process. Higher education in accordance with NEP 2020 focuses on bridging the gap between industry and academia by preparing students to meet
    the every changing job. The Nizam College higher education sector has a high enrolment of students and it keeps increasing. Nizam’s higher education seeks equity and inclusion through education. Imparting quality education has always been the hallmark of higher education in Nizam’s Institution. Knowledge being the Rousseau’s idea of education being a means of progression is seen in the policy of higher education at our institution. According to Wollstonecraft education should also bring about social justice and this is vividly seen as an established approach to higher education at Nizam’s Institution.

    Nizam college aims at raising the standards of higher education so that the local students including the ones from poor families have easy access to good education and plum jobs for which a comprehensive policy is drawn. Some of the strategies include:


    • To equip the institution with all required facilities, strengthen research.
    • To ensure that students with poor family backgrounds have easy access to higher education.
    • To have 100% faculty at all levels of hierarchy which include lecturers, Assistant Professors, Associate Professors and Professors.
    • To ensure that students are able to pursue a subject of their choice.
    • To implement various skill development programmes for better job opportunities.
    • To optimize and integrate modern method of teaching and learning.
    • To create and nurture holistic development.

    Student Admission Policy
    The college has a very transparent and open admission process in accordance with the Osmania university regulations. Students can visit the college website and find out the admission process through the portal created. Information on fee structure, number of students applying for various courses, withdrawals and credit system are in place. Clear steps and procedures are also given in
    the college handbook. Students taking admission are required to submit an online application form, for this a separate software is created. An Admission coordinator is appointed to look into this matter and is incharge for the smooth running of the entire process.

    Students Attendance Policy
    Students are to attend college regularly and participate actively. For appearing for semester end exam students are required to have 75% attendance which is mandatory according to the stipulated rules given by the university. If for any medical reasons the student is unable to attend then a mandatory 65% attendance must be shown along with submission of a medical certificate
    given by a registered medical practitioner. This policy statement has been developed to encourage good attendance and to discourage tardiness.

    Nizam College has an extensive IT policy covering desktop systems, Internet connection, laptop, Wi-Fi, installation of software including open-source apps, licensed apps, antivirus apps, purchase of hardware, allocation of systems to various departments, printers, email accounts operating systems.

    Desktop systems are purchased based on the requirements of various departments. Hardware parts of existing systems are updated by replacing—with ones as per the curriculum need

    Internet connection has been provided to all the departments for faculty and students. Wi-Fi routers has been placed access entire college premises. Google form is floated to faculty and students for getting the access to Wi-Fi.

    A laptop is provided to each department for presentation and discussion among the faculty members during monthly departmental meetings.

    Nizam Colleges encourages and motivates the hardware administrations to install and use open source software’s in clouding operating systems.

    Licensed software is not purchased by the college as its parent institute i.e., Osmania University facilities all licensed software’s.

    It is ensured that anti-virus is installed in every system and there is a firewall that that blocks irrelevant sites. To obtain an email id of Nizam College and Osmania University domains faculty and students have to fill the form and email will be generated.

    The Objectives of Research policy’s are:

    • To encourage faculty and students for outstanding performance in research, funding, publications and Patents.
    • To create suitable environment for carrying out research by faculty, students and guests.
    • To provide /facilitate infrastructure for carrying out research like basic needs and advanced instrumentation.
    • To encourage research by FIP, Organizing and participation in workshops, conferences and seminars.
    • To make faculty and departments self-reliance in research by facilitating, applying and getting funds from various funding agencies like DST-SERB, DBT, UGC, DAE, CSIR, RUSA, DRDO etc.
    • To support faculty and departments for easy operations of various funded projects.
    • To carry financial audit and provide Utilization certificate to funding agencies.
    • To practice good ethics in research and publications and have a eye on second level data checking.
    • To initiate and promote MoU with industries and R&D organizations for consultancy, collaborative research, sponsored projects, industry institute interactions etc.
    • To encourage and motivate the students for presenting papers in National and International conferences and projects in competitions at university level.
    • To encourage research by processing and providing seed money.
    • inculcate research and innovation environment among students and faculty. Tapping of innovation ideas from students & faculties and possible translation into products/processes.
    • To celebrate idea festivals and subsequent motivation of students & to take research as colleges.
    • To facilitate filling of patents to innovations.
    • To promote possible commercialization of developed technologies.
    • To set up the Incubation Centers to motivate innovations and startups

    The research committee of the college is entrusted with the responsibility of taking care of the research infrastructure in the college. The committee also considers the opinion of the Research Experts and the Scholars.

    • Availability of separate place for Centre for Research
    • UGC Inflibnet and photocopying facility in the Library.
    • Computers, Printers and Internet connectivity in the Centre.
    • Exclusive space in the library for the use of research scholars.
    • Besides, Research experts are invited every year to interact with the students and M.Phil, Ph.D scholars to make a better understanding of the trends in research.
    • Center for Environmental studies :
    • Under CPE grants, centre for environmental studies was established in the Department of Botany, Nizam College. Environmental research related equipment was purchased for conducting student projects. International and national importance days were observed to enlighten the students about the clean and green environmental practices. Students also participated with great enthusiasm for the conduction of     green audit and developed a report which was submitted to IQAC.
    • Departmental Research Laboratories:
    • Every science department has a well equipped research laboratory like Applied Palynology Research Laboratory, Tissue culture laboratory, Microbiology research laboratory, environmental biology and toxicology laboratory etc. to satisfy the needs of Ph.D. Research scholars. Many scholars were awarded Ph.D. and many more scholars are pursuing their Ph.D from these laboratories.

    Nizam College believes in Green Policy and protecting the environment and ensuring the prevention hazardous waste. Currently, one of the main environmental issues is plastic pollution. Plastic production and consumption have skyrocketed due to the material's immediate
    advantages and convenience. Over the past century, excessive plastic consumption has outpaced efforts to manage plastic waste, turning plastic into a global enigma. Plastic is a threat to our health and well-being, as well as the environment. The goal of this policy is to lessen and eventually eradicate plastic pollution. The policy requires institutional efforts in order to actively
    support the single-use plastics ban.

    Ban of Single Use Plastic
    This policy prohibits the use of single-use plastic on the campus of Nizam College. Everyone in the College needs to adhere to the plastic ban policy. Together, through organizing campaigns and raising awareness, a safer, more environmentally friendly world devoid of dangerous plastics is possible. The following must be adopted by all stakeholders, per the policy:

    • Single-use plastics are prohibited on college campuses, in dorms, and in canteen areas.
    • Plan workshops both on and off campus to raise awareness of the negative effects of plastic.
    • Using substitute materials, such as paper pens, cloth bags, and using steel water bottles facilities can help reduce the amount of plastic on campus.
    • The generation of waste should be separated at the source, and the authorized waste collection agency should send the separated waste to approved waste processing facilities, disposal sites, or deposition centres.
    • All events organised inside the campus should strictly follow plastic ban guidelines.
    • From time to time circulars are issued for all stakeholders, especially during any event to avoid the use of plastic.
    • Staff and students are advised to avoid the use of plastic bottles and plastic covers.

    Effective teaching and learning atmosphere can be ensured only by strictly adhering to certain disciplinary measures. Our institute has formulated Code and Conduct for all the stakeholders which ensures overall development of students and improving professional skills of teaching and non-teaching faculty. The aim of framing the Code and Conduct is to ensure that all the stakeholders are aware of the rules and regulations of the college. It helps in improving the academic performance of the students and preparing them as productive and responsible citizens. Code and Conduct aims to accomplish the vision and mission of the institute which is to emerge as one of the best institutions offering quality higher education in the state of Telangana and to
    disseminate knowledge through students globally.

    Code of Conduct for Students

    • Attend classes regularly and on time. Do not enter the class or leave the class in between as it causes disturbance and distraction.
    • Students with attendance percentage less than 75% will not be allowed to appear for their examinations.
    • Always carry your identity cards issued by the college.
    • Wear decent dress that does not attract undue attention. Maintain decent hair style.
    • Mobile phones should always be kept in silent mode when in class, laboratory and library.Strictly avoid carrying mobile phones to the examination halls.
    • Use the internet/WiFi facilities of the college only for academic purposes.
    • Food and beverages are not permitted into the class, laboratory, library and examination hall.
    • Students should respect and wish their teachers within the campus or outside the campus. They should not address their teachers by their names.
    • Do not indulge in ragging activities. Ragging is a punishable offence as per UGC and government guidelines.
    • Do not indulge in smoking – The College is a NO SMOKING ZONE
    • Work for a clean, green, plastic-free College.
    • Do not zoom around the college campus on motorbikes disturbing the academic ambience of the college.
    • Do not indulge in honking and removal of silencers of vehicles.
    • Park vehicles at the specified parking space only and walk to the classrooms and examination halls.
    • Students should utilize the limited parking space at their own risk, college authorities are not responsible for the damage/theft/loss of the vehicle.
    • Ride or drive the vehicles at moderate speed only. Over speeding is considered as an act of indiscipline. Don’t use horn in the campus.
    • Vehicle races inside the campus are prohibited.
    • Do not waste time at the College canteen, food court and corridors of the campus.
    • Follow the time schedules, rules and regulations of the institution examinations.
    • Be present in the examination hall half an hour before the commencement of the examination.
    • Strict action will be taken against students involved in malpractices during their examination.
    • Understand the evaluation system of the college.
    • Complete the chosen course within the stipulated time schedule.
    • Students should attend meetings, functions and other activities of the college in time.
    • Students are expected to read the notice boards everyday for important announcements made by the college.
    • If someone wishes to leave the college premises during the college hours they should take prior permission from concerned authorities.
    • Do not waste water – Save water.
    • Switch off lights and fans when not in use.
    • Keep your surroundings clean, do not litter the waste everywhere.
    • Keep toilets clean – flush toilets before and after use – Keep yourself free from infectious diseases.
    • Work towards keeping yourself fit – Use the facilities of YOGA, sports ground and gymnasium.
    • Use the library regularly – Improve your skills and knowledge.
    • All students should respect their teachers, fellow classmates, other students, staff of the college and special concern for divyanjan students.
    • Students should have sense of patriotism, brotherhood, religious & communal harmony.
    • Hostel students are expected to maintain discipline and decency when in hostel.
    • Do not damage and destroy the property of college/hostel as it is punishable crime.
    • Students should obey all the rules and regulation imposed by the college authorities, anyone deviating from them is liable for disciplinary action.
    • Fee once paid will not be refundable.
    • Students are strictly prohibited from indulging in any political matters/anti-social activities within the college campus or outside the college premises.
    • Students with poor academic performance will be detained. They are recommended to attend the remedial coaching classes conducted by the college.
    • Students should actively participate in activities organized by NCC, NSS and various clubs/cells.
    • Students are recommended to make proper use of all Cells/ Committees of college like ELTC, Carrier and guidance cell, placement cell, etc.,
    • Attend free competitive examination coaching offered by the college.
    • Be actively connected with your mentors.
    • Girl students are recommended to attend the Self-Defence course classes offered by Womens Cell of the college.
    • If any teacher is absent they should notify it to the head of the department or concerned authorities.
    • If the syllabus of particular course is not been completed in stipulated time please report it to the concerned authorities on time. Complaints just before the commencement of the examinations are not encouraged or entertained. Students should not get involved in collecting money for conducting any kind of activities in the college or outside the college without the prior permission the college authorities.
    • Students must actively participate in college/inter college/interuniversity/interstate competitions notified by the college.
    • Safeguard your belongings; do not blame others for theft of your belongings. College is not responsible for your loss unless you deposit your property with the college office.
    • Students should contact the college office for any kind of certificates/document/testimony. Do not contact Principal directly for such matters.
    • Use of abusive language against anyone in the college is punishable.
    • Examination fee should be paid within the prescribed dates only.
    • Students receiving government scholarships should renew them at regular intervals.
    • Students should not participate in any unauthorized activities.
    • Students of both sex are expected to maintain healthy and decent relationship within the campus and outside the campus – To spread the spirit of gender sensitivity and gender equality.
    • Circulation of any printed matter/pamphlets without the permission of the head of the institution is prohibited.
    • Without prior permission visitors are not allowed to enter into the classrooms to meet the students. Students parents can meet the teachers in their leisure time and Principal during visiting hours i.e., from 3-5pm.
    • Use the sports ground in leisure time and from 4- 6 PM after the classes.
    • Students are encouraged to post their grievances into the grievance boxes provided.

    Code of Conduct for Teaching Staff

    • Teachers should maintain their integrity/dignity and are expected to discharge their duties sincerely with honesty.
    • Teachers should be well dressed and well mannered.
    • Teachers should be impartial with students and his/her official discharge of duties.
    • Teachers must report in time to duty as per the working hours prescribed and should be available in campus.
    •  Teachers should sign the attendance register while reporting for duty.
    • Teachers should handle the subjects assigned by the Head of the Department.
    • Teachers should complete the syllabus in time.
    • Teachers should be good counselors, facilitators, mentors and role models. They should help, guide, encourage, and assist the students to ensure that the Teaching-Learning process is
      effective and successful.
    • Teachers should carry out other academic, co-curricular and institutional activities that may be assigned to them from time to time.
    • Teachers are encouraged to write text books, publish articles and present papers in seminars and conferences.
    • Teachers are encouraged to attend Faculty Development Programs, Quality Improvement Programs to update their knowledge.
    • All the teachers must report for duty on the re-opening day and the last working day of each semester.
    • Any instructions issued by the competent authority by way of Circulars and Notices from time to time must be complied with.
    • Heads of the Departments must submit the Department’s time table and individual teacher’s time tables to the Principal before the commencement of the academic year. Any change must also be
      reported to the Principal in writing.
    •  Smoking in class/library/examination hall is prohibited.
    • Under emergency/unexpected situations teachers are expected to discharge their duties even after college scheduled working hours/holidays.
    • Teachers should take leave/vacation with prior written permission of the concerned authority.
    • Teachers should notify to the head of the institution if they are moving out of the station.
    • Do not get involved in any political/anti-social activities as it is punishable crime.
    • Writing critical articles/publications against College/University is not encouraged.
    • Initiation of any criminal proceeding against a teacher should be immediately notified to the authorities.
    • Teacher’s grievances should be intimated to the head of the institution before submitting it to higher authorities.
    • All teachers are governed by college/university rules and regulations
    • Teachers are subjected to enquiry/punishment if they deviate from discharge of their duties or commit an offence.
      • Teachers should strive to achieve the vision and mission of the college.
      •  Avoid using mobile phones when in class/library/examination hall.
      • Provide quality education in innovative method. Regularly update your skills/knowledge.
      •  Develop reasoning ability and research skills of the students.
      • Organize parent teacher meetings.
      • Teachers must maintain healthy/peaceful environment in the campus.
      • Teachers should promote brotherhood, nationalism and patriotism among the students. They should have respect for National anthem, National flag and National symbols.
      • Conduct activities for promotion of universal values and ethics.

      Code of Conduct for Non- Teaching Staff

      • Non Teaching staff working in the college office or departments should be available in campus during the college hours.
      • You are expected to strictly follow rules and regulations of the college.
      • Discharge duties with honesty, fairness and integrity.
      • Deal with students politely.
      • Do not waste/misuse college finances.
      • Non Teaching staff assigned to the laboratories should keep the labs clean.
      • Non Teaching staff assigned to the laboratories shall maintain a stock register for all the articles, equipments, chemicals in the lab.
      •  Non Teaching staff shall sign in the attendance registers while reporting for duty.
      • Non Teaching staff working in office should maintain the service records of all employees and periodically update them.
      • All the staff members should display the highest possible standards of professional behavior that is required in an educational institutional establishment.
      • Take leaves with prior intimation/permission.

      Code of Conduct for Administrative Heads and Non-Teaching Staff

      • To plan and achieve the Vision and mission of the college.
      • To run the administration in a transparent manner.
      •  To abide by the guidelines of UGC and Telangana State Council for Higher Education (TSCHE).
      • To delegate authority and follow the principle of decentralization.
      • To strive for quality sustenance in all the institutional activities, decisions and processes.
      • To maintain decency and discipline on the college campus.
      • To be impartial towards staff and students.
      • To keep the institution’s flag flying high.
      • Encourage research activities among teachers and students.
      • To always act in good faith and the best interests of the college.
      • To be fair and reasonable and act in a just manner.
      • To address all the eco-concerns in the campus and make the campus environment friendly.
      • To involve all the stakeholders and facilitate participative management.
      • Promote industry institution interaction and inculcate research development activities.
      • Ensure that the staff and students aware of rules, policies and procedures laid down by the college and enforce them fittingly.
      • Recommend and forward communication to the authorities.
      • Monitor, manage and educate the administration of the institution and take remedial measures / actions based on the stakeholder’s feedback.
      • Execute any other qualitative and quantitative work for the welfare of the institution.
      •  Listen to the student’s ideas and set a supportive tone.
      •  Be fair in his disciplinary actions for all the members of faculty, non-teaching staff and students.
      •  Empower all his staff and students to reach their maximum potential.
      • Carry himself with the highest integrity and he has to exhibit outstanding and strong leadership

    Nizam College is an epitome of nobility, benevolence, and royal nature which are distinctive of the erstwhile ruler of Nizam State. The college upholds the ideals of the establishment and continues the legacy of commitment and dedication to the cause of Higher education. It continues its vision and mission of contributing to the World at large, and the Nation in particular in terms of Academic Excellence, Research and Social Activism.

    All those who enter the portals of Nizam College are bound to follow the Policy of Ethics by upholding these core values. From the Principal, the Faculty, Administration support staff and students all adhere to the following ideals.

    • Utmost commitment to the work assigned.
    • Dedication to their work and College.
    •  Sincerity and honesty in discharging their duties.
    • Confidentiality and Secrecy of the sensitive information of the College to be maintained.
    • They shall comply with all orders from the Principal or the Vice-Chancellor that are issued from time to time.
    • Maintain universal values of love, kindness and compassion.
    • Uphold the ideals of fraternity, equality and respect towards one another.
    • Personal interests are always relegated to the secondary position and College is always at the higher stage.
    • Maintain the holistic, inclusive and secular values of the Institution, the Constitution and the Nation.
    • Desist from any activities that would demean the women staff and girls students.
    • Extend the warmth and hospitality that is characteristic of the Telangana State and the Nation to the International students (Atthithodeva Bhava).
    • Maintain the decency of language, decorum and dress, and refrain from using abusive language, obscene behaviour and provocative comments.
    • Usage of any animals and human beings for research and scientific purpose is not permitted. If required, permissions will be taken from the Institutional Ethical Committee.

    The Nizam College Library serves as a centre for learning and educational resources. Along with the Seminar libraries in respective departments, and in association with the Parent body Osmania University Main Library, the students get access to a rich collection of books and journals available both on offline and online databases.
    Membership and Circulation

    For the effective functioning of the library the following general rules are practiced.

    • All employees, research scholars, and students must sign up to use the college library.
    •  On weekdays, the library's various sections will be open from 9.00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
    • Sundays, Second Saturdays, and other public holidays are off-limits to the library.
    • The students are not permitted to take reference books outside of the library. During business hours of the library they will be able to use the reference books.
      The following guidelines will apply to the use and loan of library books:
      1. Users are expected to inspect the books upon receipt and notify the library staff of any damage discovered. They risk being held accountable for any damage discovered when the book is returned if they don& comply.
      2. Postgraduate students are permitted to take up to four books at once, while undergraduate students are limited to three books. Three books can be borrowed at once by research scholars. While non-teaching staff can check out three books at a time, teaching staff can check out ten books at a time.
      3. Users, including students, researchers, and teaching and non-teaching staff, may check out books for a maximum of 15 days, though this time may be shortened in specific circumstances. If no one else has applied for the same books, they may be renewed for an additional seven days.
      4. Users, including students, researchers, and teaching and non-teaching staff, may check out books for a maximum of 15 days, though this time may be reduced in certain circumstances. If no one else has applied for the same books, they may be renewed for an additional seven days.
      5. If the book is not returned within the allotted time, the user will be fined Re. 1.00 per day (including holidays). Users are only required to pay fine of Rs. 50 on the loss of each library ticket. It is not permitted to sub-lend or transfer books to another person& name.
      6. A member who loses, ruins, or damages a book will be required to pay current edition's price or provide the library with a new copy of the book along with any fines that may have been incurred.
      7. Students are required to return all borrowed books by the end of the semester. Additionally, all books checked out by students, researchers, and staff members
      8. Both teaching and non-teaching—must be returned by the first week of March each year.
      9.  Issue of Non-Liability Certificates (NLC), Transfer Certificates (TC) and refund of caution deposit are done only after clearing all library dues.
      10. No book that has been assigned as a class textbook may be checked out by students for the duration of the prescribed textbook period.


      It is not permitted for members to delete any page or content from any document in the library. Personal belongings, including bags, tiffin carriers, and umbrellas, should be stored in the racks located at the library's entrance. It is not permitted to sleep or behave in an impolite manner within the library.

      The library provides open access to its documents and any member can browse through the collections which are arranged according to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC).

      In order to find out whether resources are remotely available, users can also peruse the online catalogue that is accessible online. The College website and the links available on the Library tab provide further links to the catalogue.

      Scholarly literature that is accessible online via the Osmania University is also available to members through a secure password.
      The library also provides:
      • Orientation on library resources
      • Access to documents supporting research
      • Training on electronic database search
      • In-person reference assistance / literature search
      • Training on academic publishing
      • Training on electronic reference management
      • If users have any questions about academic information, they can contact the librarian or the library.

      Library Advisory Committee
      The Library Advisory Committee makes recommendations and offers advice on issues pertaining to the management and offerings of the college library. The Principal serves as the committee's chairman, and the Librarian serves as the Coordinator. The principal selects a member from the student body to serve as a conduit for students to air their needs and complaints. On a rotating basis, the other members are chosen from the teaching departments
      and library.

      Stock Verification
      The stock verification committee, which conducts stock verification once a year. It is reasonable to consider the loss of three library volumes for every thousand books that are issued and consulted in a given year.

      Weeding out of books
      At the end of the year, books with a reasonable loss may be weeded out per the Library Advisory Committee's recommendation. Every year, the Principal may discard outdated and deteriorated books, per the Library Advisory Committee's recommendation, in order to make room for new, relevant and significant books and materials and also to preserve the collection's quality and usability.

      Collection development and management
      The library's journal and book collections are created through community participation. The library advisory committee recommends general books, while the departments in question choose the books in their respective fields. Any library user may email or use the catalogue to recommend books for purchase.

      User Feedback
      The library gathers users feedback, opinions, and complaints on a yearly and periodic basis. Grievances are resolved to the greatest degree feasible.
      Preservation Library works hard to preserve the materials, particularly the rare ones. The books that are fragile or damaged are kept apart from the active collection. They will only be distributed in order to conduct research.

    Nizam College is dedicated to maximizing conservation and energy efficiency,
    particularly in light of the current climate crisis and growing public concern for the environment. This policy will support the university in creating a campus that embodies our basic values of responsibility and engagement while also being economically and environmentally viable.

    Strategies and Principles for use of Environment and Energy

    • Determining how the institution's development, communications, purchasing, curriculum, research, and campus activities will affect the environment.
    •  Expanding the scope of its responsibility for environmental education by adding or improving pertinent environmental content to the curriculum.
    • Minimizing environmental impacts through the promotion of best practices to reduce, reuse and recycle.
    • Boosting the conservation of native ecosystems on campus, where possible.
    • Minimizing harm to biological organisms that are not intended targets by doing away with pesticides in lawn, garden, and agricultural applications, with rare exceptions.
    • To promote the use of environmentally conscious transportation, including use of public transit and car-pooling.
    • To collaborate with government organizations and other educational establishments to enhance optimal energy-saving techniques within its operations.
    • Personal computers, other office equipment, lighted, window air conditioners and personal heaters should be turned off when not in use.
    • To maximize the use of solar energy by categorically increasing the production of solar energy through the increased installation of solar panels by 2030.
    • To carry out green audits in order to confirm compliance, pinpoint issues, create environmental policies, assess environmental impact, measure performance, confirm the efficacy of the environmental management system, provide a database, create the organization's environmental strategy, and inform stakeholders of its environmental

    New Renovation and Construction

    All new construction and renovations must be planned with high-efficiency lighting and minimal incandescent lighting to reduce energy consumption.

    Alternative energy sources such as biomass to be considered Segregation of waste, and recycling wherever and whatever possible in the College campus.

    In order to minimize waste and energy expenditure Nizam College believes in
    maintenance and operational procedures to integrate prudent, resource-saving practices.

    The research and development cell of Nizam College is committed to achieve excellence in Research and Development by providing learning rich environment for higher –level knowledge and also for obtaining international recognition through its various interdisciplinary research programs. The research policy of the college focuses on stimulating and nurturing young and
    experienced researchers towards nation building. Various funding agencies such as UGC, CSIR, ICMR have given grants for research activities undertaken and completed by faculty of the college. A number of major and minor research projects in various disciplines have been completed successfully by the faculty of the college. The R&D cell of the college aims to encourage research and innovation helping the nation to solve both local and global challenges of today.


    The objectives of the research policy of the college is to establish a research culture that enhances and encourages research and innovation by

    1. Establishing new Centres of Excellence  Formulating sponsored and internal research guidelines.
    2. Encouraging inter disciplinary research.
    3. Promoting research acumen among faculty by publishing papers through high impact journals.
    4. Initiating Academic and Industrial research collaborations.
    5. Giving Incentives and awards for research excellence.
    6. Filing patents based on research findings.

    To realise the above objectives the research and development cell of the college works in collaboration with the Planning and Development Committee and the Board of Management to muster the required research promotion budget allocation. The Directors closely monitor the research activities and verifies the progress while suggesting measures from time to time.

    Objectives in detail

    1. Establishing new Centres of Excellence  Formulating sponsored and internal research guidelines.
    The college provides full support for establishing new centres for faculty, students and industry personnel to carry out research projects in their specific areas. These centres will be the hub of research activities that will not only encourage but also strengthen ties between college and other government institutions and industry organisations.

    Formulating Sponsored and Internal Research Guidelines.

    • Faculty with Ph.D degree are encouraged to submit minimum one government funded project in a year.
    • The college will support researchers for performing the research through the internal funds.
    • The college encourages departments to approach funding schemes from various agencies for creating/strengthening the research labs.
    • Faculty are encouraged to identify inter-disciplinary research in their chosen field of research.
    • The faculty members are encouraged to collaborate with industries to undertake funded research in emerging areas and industry relevant areas.
    • Innovative projects of faculty members are taken for patent filing.

    2. Encouraging Interdisciplinary Research.

    •  The college research policy encourages inter disciplinary research in projects that facilitate nation building and of societal significance.

    3. Promoting Research Acumen among Faculty by publishing papers through High Impact Journals.

    • Researchers both faculty and students of the college are encouraged to publish their research articles in high-impact journals. Financial support is also given to indexed paper publications.

    4. Initiating Academic and Industrial Research Collaborations

    Collaborative research with academic experts and industrial organizations to share knowledge and resources are encouraged by the college which can create new opportunities for all. This will also bridge the gap between academia and industry.

    5. Giving Incentives and Awards for Research Excellence.

    Nizam College recognizes the research carried out by its faculty members and research students by granting Award for publishing papers, contribution to h-index of the college through citations, funded projects, and patents. The faculty can gain score points in the performance appraisal system thereby helping them in their promotions. The awards are given after scrutiny and verification through a procedure constituted by the norms of the college. Finally the awards are given to meritorious researchers to motivate them.

    6. Filing Patents based on Research Findings
    Faculty and student researchers are encouraged to come up with innovative research ideas which after careful scrutiny and filed for patents. On successful completion, suitable appreciation and remuneration is given to encourage the faculty and students alike.

    Nizam College follows the UGC guidelines in ensuring and safe and secure campus. University Grants Commission believes that a safe, secure and cohesive learning climate is an ineluctable precondition to quality education and research in HEIs. It should be the prime concern of educational administrators across the country to ensure that students are safeguarded against attacks, threats and accidents, both man-made and natural. With this in mind, the Commission has formulated guidelines on the ways in which the campuses of HEIs can be transformed into oasis of safety, security and study. All universities may make or amend their ordinances and other relevant statutory provisions accordingly to ensure that the directions contained in the guidelines are implemented in the best interests of students.

    The important features include:

    • The College is under CCTV Surveillance.
    • Round the clock vigilance.
    • Campus and the Ladies Hostel have boundary walls
    • Fire Extinguishers at strategic locations
    • Unauthorized individuals are not permitted on the College premises.
    • All students and staff have an ID card.
    • Parking lots and pathways are illuminated.

    Campus Safety and Security measures include actions against

    • Robbery/theft
    • Simple or aggravated assault
    • Unlawful consumption or possession of alcohol or other controlled or illegal substance
    • Hate crime including larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, or vandalism

    Further preventative measures include:

    1. Staff members and students are prohibited from using illicit or restricted substances, such as alcohol, while at college or at college-sponsored events.
    2. Illegal or otherwise dangerous weapons are not allowed to be in the possession of students or staff members or on school premises. The firearm will be seized in the event of such a violation, and there may also be legal repercussions, including probable dismissal from school or job.
    3. To avoid theft, staff members and/or students must keep their belongings safely locked in the assigned locations.
    4. Employees and/or students are required to park in approved spots and to keep their vehicles safely locked at all times.
    5. After the facility closes, neither staff members nor students may stay by themselves without permission from the administration. If permission has been granted, the student or employee must never permit an unauthorized person to enter the building, and the external door must always be locked.
    6. Employees should never lock the facility alone. Two people must always be present during locking procedures.
    7. Hazardous situations (such as malfunctioning or broken equipment, chemical spills, exposed electrical wires, water leaks, etc.) must be reported by staff members and/or students to the school director right away.
    8. The school director will respond to all such risks promptly and with the proper prudence. The School Director may be required by proper protocols to alert the relevant agencies, such as the fire department, the power company, the poison control center, etc.
    9. It is forbidden for staff members and/or students to try fixing broken electrical components or exposed wires.
    10. Rather, the administration should be notified of such issues.
    11. Damaged or hazardous building issues must be notified right once to the director of the school.
    12. All equipment should be handled by staff members or students in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

      Criminal And Accident Reporting Procedures:

      The College encourages all students and employees to report any crime or accident and the Principal will direct the committee concerned to look into the issue or if required contact the Osmania University or the local Police authorities as the case requires. Victims and witnesses are encouraged to report crimes, but it is solely on a voluntary basis. If required professional
      counseling is offered by the mentors or at the counseling center at Psychology.

      Safety of Students while they are on Excursion/ Tours/ Academic trips etc.

      The College ensures that all expedition activities are led and supervised by a minimum of two qualified faculty, one of which should be a female teacher. The maximum number of pupils that can go on an expedition together can be changed based on a variety of variables, including the route's kind, weather, duration, and manageability. Any person requiring medical supervision or under medical care is not permitted to join the trip.

                Nizam College students apply for Both Central and State government scholarships as per their guidelines and eligibility mentioned on the respective websites.

      1. The application process for Post Matric courses. (UG & PG) provides scholarships to economically backward class people like SC, ST, BC, DW, EBC and MINIORITY Welfare category students, and the students of Nizam College make use of this facility.
      2. Applicants NEED TO registrar their details on the https://telanganaepass.cgg.gov.in/ website, after the date is announced by Govt of TS. The College will forward Hard copies of application forms submitted online by students about 3500 Nizam College students are benefiting from the scholarship. TS ePass Scholarship application status process will be the same for Fresh and Renewal candidates. Students can frequently check the application status to get the scholarship application status.
      3. Reimbursement of Tuition Fee in full for students pursuing UG and PG RTF and MTF is sanctioned ONCE for the Academic Year. Mess charges are sanctioned & released as per Govt. guidelines (UG – Rs.1000/- pm) PG – Rs.1500/- p.m.

      Hyderabad: The State government of Telangana has launched a website to ensure transparency and accountability in the sanctioning and disbursement of post-matric scholarships offered to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Class, Economically Backward Class, minorities and physically challenged students.  

      The eligibility of students is as follows:

      • SC & ST Welfare Students whose annual Family income is Rs. Two Lakhs or below.
      •  BC & EBC and Minority Welfare Students who belongs to rural area their family income should be Rs. One Lakh Fifty Thousand or below.
      •  BC & EBC and Minority Welfare Students who are belongs to Urban area family income should be Rs. Two Lakhs or below.
      •  Disabled Welfare Students whose parental income is Rs. One lakh or below.
      •  EBC students who are selected Under Corporate College Admissions Scheme Eligible for Intermediate courses.
      •  Students whose attendance is 75% at the end of each quarter & Promoted to next academic year for Renewal Students.

      Colleges eligible for scholarships:

      All Post Matric Colleges in Telangana recognized by Government of Telangana/Competent Authority.

      1. of Telangana has designed on/site E Pass for processing. The Scholarship application of students.

      The list of colleges is communicated by Administrative Departments (Departments of Higher Education, Technical Education, School Education, Health Medical and Family Welfare, Employment and Training) to the Commissioner of Social Welfare.

      Group –I Professional Courses (Degree and PG Courses in Medicine, Engineering, Technology, Management, Agriculture, Veterinary and Allied Sciences, Business Finance, Business administration and Computer Applications/ Science)

      Group-II Other professional and technical graduate and PG including (M.Phil, PhD and post doctoral research) level courses not covered in Group-I. All post graduate, graduate level diploma courses.

            Group III Degree courses (not covered in group I & II)



      1. Higher Education has had played a very vital role in the history of nation building all over the world. It is amply clear that no rise in general standards of living and culture is possible without strengthening the higher education system in the country. It obviously calls for a multipronged strategy.
      2. There is a need to modernize our higher education system, and equally important to continuously attract young and talented students to pursue higher education. It is being increasingly observed that the brighter lot is not pursuing Post-Graduate education in our institutions of higher learning. To emerge as a powerful nation, there is an urgent need to bring in talented boys and girls in the field of Post-Graduate education by way of providing them good incentives in the form of scholarships.
      3. The UGC, therefore, introduced a Post-Graduate Merit Scholarship Scheme for University undergraduate rank holders. The scholarship may be tenable for a period of two years to enable the rank holders of each university at undergraduate level to pursue their Master’s Degree.
      4. All universities/degree awarding institutions would be required to issue rank certificates to the toppers of the university in B.A., B.Sc., and B.Com. The purpose of this scheme is to attract talent for pursuing post graduate studies besides strengthening the basic subjects at Undergraduate level. The awardees, under this scheme, can pursue their Postgraduate programme in any area of specialization in any institution of higher learning in the country.

      The objectives of the scheme are:

      1. The First and Second Rank holders at undergraduate level and admitted in any Postgraduate Course would be awarded the scholarship. The students will have to submit the proof of their merit position at undergraduate level as well as their admission in postgraduate courses as per Annexure-I.
      2. The scholarship would, however, be subjected to securing a minimum of sixty percent marks at undergraduate level. The joining report has to be uploaded as per format at Anenxure-II.
      3. The scheme is applicable to such students who have taken admission in regular, full-time Master’s Degree course in any recognized university, deemed university, private university, autonomous college or a post graduate college.

      1 The scholarship is available to the student for first PG Degree only. Age limit for the students is 30 years at the time of admission in PG course.

      2 Distance mode of education will not be considered under the scheme.

      3 The Undergraduate courses from following streams have been identified for the award of scholarships:

      1. Life Sciences
      2. Physical Sciences
      3. Chemical Sciences
      4. Mathematical Sciences
      5. Social Sciences
      6. Commerce
      7. Languages
      8. Before verifying applications of students the concerned Universities may ensure that applicants satisfy all norms as per guidelines.
      9. The first and second rank holders (Not position holders) would be considered from Universities/ Institutions and non-affiliated/ autonomous colleges according to the number of students who have appeared in the examination at undergraduate level as per following table.
      10. Tenure of scholarship for PG is Two years


      • Applications will be invited once in a year on the National Scholarship Portal of the Government of India. Short notification will also be uploaded on the UGC website.
      • Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. Only verified online applications will be considered for award of scholarship. The concerned University/ Institute should verify that the applicant is a first or second rank holder out of the specified total number of students who appeared in the examination at the undergraduate level as specified in the guidelines.

      7. JOINING: The scholar would be awarded from the date of joining the post graduate first year course as per information provided in the online application and verified by the University/ Institute/ College.

      8. DISBURSAL OF SCHOLARSHIP: After selection, the awardees will be paid scholarship on DBT mode.The list of awardees will be pushed to Public Financial Management System (PFMS) by the NIC. PFMS will generate payment files of the awardees and scholarship would be paid for the complete duration of the post graduate course. Payments will be generated on annual basis.

      9. RENEWALS: Scholarship granted under the scheme will be kept renewed during the period of postgraduate course subject to good conduct and maintenance of prescribed attendance. The scholarship will be renewed for the next year of study on receipt of renewal form. Students failing to get promoted to the next class/ level would forfeit the scholarship.Change in course of study will not be permitted. Scheme will be implemented and monitored by the UGC. The awardees of previous years will continue to follow the UGC pattern of assistance through the designated bank branches of Canara Bank.

      10. PROCEDURE FOR DISBURSEMENT: Scholarship (as certified by the institutions identified under this scheme) will be paid to the selected students by the UGC through DBT (Direct Benefit Transfer) Mode and will be transferred to the Bank account of the beneficiaries. This procedure will be completed through the PFMS.

      11. AADHAAR SEEDING: The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India vide its letter D.O. No. 18- 7/2013-U1A dated 10th June, 2016 has instructed the University Grants Commission that from the financial year 2016-17 onwards the Aadhaar will be used as an identifier for disbursement of all Government subsidies/Scholarships/Fellowships which are to be disbursed directly into the beneficiary’s account. The Aadhaar details would be updated by the student through the Host University / Institute / College after seeking a consent from the awardees as per provisions of the Aadhaar Act, 2016.


      • Amount of fellowship: Rs.3,100/- p.m for a period of two years only i.e. full duration of a PG course. No other additional grant will be payable in lieu of hostel charges and medical charges etc. The student who is awarded Post-Graduate Scholarship for University Rank Holders will not be debarred from accepting any other scholar.
      • Any Scholarship, studentship or freeship is given to only eligible students who put in a minimum of 75% attendance and have cleared their entire hostel, library and other dues and whose academic record is satisfactory

    Nizam’s College is committed to provide a conducive environment free from any kind of harassment, exploitation or violence against students, teaching and non-teaching staff on the campus. The Internal Complaint Committee is constituted to look into the complaints of students and staff alike. The main aim of this committee is to render full assistance to the ‘aggrieved women’ who wish to complain in writing against any sort of sexual harassment, the members of the committee are aware of their responsibilities and duties according to the UGC regulations as well as the Sexual Harassment Act of 2013.

    Formation of the Internal Complaint Committee:

    The Internal Complaint Committee of the Nizam’s College is formed under Section 4 of University Grants Commission (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal of Sexual Harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institution) Regulation, 2015 & under Section 4 of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prohibition, Prevention & Redressal) Act, 2013.

    Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013:

    Supreme Court of India laid down certain guidelines to address the issue of Sexual Harassment of Women at the workplace; these guidelines are known as “Vishaka Guidelines” the guidelines are as follows:

    1. Duty of the employer to prevent the sexual harassment of women at the workplace & to provide for the procedures for resolution and settlement.
    2. The rules and regulations relating to conduct and discipline in any Government or Private enterprise should include rules and regulations relating to sexual harassment of women at the workplace.
    3. Appropriate work conditions for women to ensure that there is no hostile environment for women at workplaces.
    4. An appropriate Complaint Mechanism should be made for the victim to ensure time-bound redressal of the cases.
    5. The Head of the Complaint Committee should be a woman & more than half of the members should be women & to maintain impartiality, the Complaint Committee should involve a third party.

    In 2013 the parliament made a legislation on Sexual Harassment under the name of “Sexual Harassment of Women at the workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013. The purpose of this Act is preventing and protecting sexual harassment at the workplace and to ensure a redressal mechanism.

    Nizam’s College Sexual Harassment Policy

    At Nizam’s college the dignity and respect for Women is protected and valued on campus. In its pursuit of providing equality to all, the college has declared all forms of sexual harassment in employment, education and training environments of the college as unlawful under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 & UGC Regulations as well as under the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013.

    Objectives of the Policy:

    • To fulfill the requirements of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace At, 2013 (POSH Act).
    • To implement the in-house Grievance Redressal Mechanism as mentioned under the Act in full spirit,
    • To provide a congenial environment free from gender discrimination.
    • To support the aggrieved women to make the complaint of sexual harassment by providing assistance.

    Composition of the Committee:

    • The committee has a presiding officer who is a woman of a senior level from amongst the employees at the workplace.
    • 2 members from the employees, especially who have had experience of social work or legal knowledge are appointed as members of the committee.
    • In case involving students of the college then members of the committee are from the students of the college/
    • at least one-half of the total Members so nominated shall be women.

    Procedure to be followed by the Committee:

    1. A meeting is called for by the committee as and when a complaint is lodged. Any member of the committee can receive the complaint.
    2. The Committee may direct the complainant to prepare and submit a detailed statement of incidents. A period of 5 days is given if the written complaint lacks clarity and requires particulars of the case. 
    • The committee also provides assistance to write the complaint.
    1. The committee then gives 5 days to the accused employee or student to write a response to the complaint.
    2. Both the parties are given a copy of each other’s statement.
    3. The Committee allows both parties to produce relevant documents and witnesses to support their case. The Committee sits on a day-to-day basis to record and consider the evidence produced by both parties.
    • The committee makes all efforts to complete its proceedings within 90 days of receiving the complaint,
    • A report is then drafted and submitted to the concerned authorities.
    1. If the Internal Committee comes to the conclusion that the allegation against the respondent has been proved, it shall recommend to the Employer to act for sexual harassment as a misconduct according to the provisions of the Service Rules applicable to the respondent & he shall pay to the victim, the compensation amount as decided by the Committee, which shall be deducted from the salary or wages of the respondent.

    To enhance the quality of education in the college every member of the academic staff to abide by the rules and regulations of the college strictly. Each member is expected to enrich the teaching learning process through instruction, applied research and scholarly activities and service to support the mission of the institution at all times in addition to the duties assigned to the staff every member, whatever the rank, at all times will be held responsible for their academic performance, workload duties and foster congenial relationships with superiors, colleagues and students of the college.

    Primary duties of the faculty include –classroom instruction, mentoring of the students, participation in departmental activities, continual development of curriculum and assessment and initiatives taken to help students succeed academically and thereby ready for employment.

    Faculty must also take part in development and governance of the college by reviewing periodically the curriculum and participate actively in the committee meetings and matters related to the smooth running of the college.

    Standard Academic Expectations

    1. Faculty are expected to take classes regularly throughout the semester. Faculty must inform department heads when class sessions may not be taken giving reasons for the same. They should also ensure that the course content is covered as per the lesson plan.
    2. Faculty must prepare a a lesson plan according to the syllabus for each course taught. A copy of the syllabus must be sent to the students either electronically or given by hand after signature of the head of the departments. Syllabi should be reviewed and updated each semester.
    3. Student support hours are to ensure that students have access to faculty outside of class for student-faculty interactions, including assistance with coursework and advising. Faculty should ensure their availability to students during these hours and prioritize student interactions above other tasks.
    4. Faculty are expected to schedule at least ten student support hours each week during a regular semester and at least five student support hours each week during a summer session. These hours must be scheduled at various times during the day, including afternoons, and they should be spread across the week (Monday-Friday) to provide maximum opportunity for student accessibility.
    5. Faculty should post attendance in the link provided for the same as well as maintain an attendance register.
    6. Faculty members are expected to participate in commencement ceremonies each semester.
    7. Faculties are expected to carry on their research work so as to enhance the teaching learning process.

    Nizam College believes in fostering a positive and productive learning environment for which regular attendance is crucial for academic success, personal development, and the overall well-being of students.

    Attendance Expectations:

    Mandatory attendance: Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes, lectures, laboratories, and any other academic or co-curricular activities as per the timetable provided by the institution.

    Punctuality: Students are required to arrive on time for all classes. Late arrivals disrupt the learning process for both the individual and the class as a whole.

    Recording and monitoring: Attendance tracking: Faculty members record attendance for each class session and students falling short of the required 75 % of attendance are penalized. Students with 65% of attendance are allowed to write examinations with a medical certificate and condonation fee.

    Notification of Absences: Students are responsible for notifying the relevant faculty member and the institution's attendance office in advance if they are unable to attend a class due to a legitimate reason, such as illness or family emergency

    Consequences of Non-Attendance:

    1. Academic impact: Excessive absenteeism may negatively impact a student's academic performance. Faculty members may consider attendance as a factor in grading or eligibility for certain activities.
    2. Communication: In cases of persistent absenteeism, faculty members, and/or the institution's administration may communicate with the student to understand and address the underlying issues.

    Excused absences:

    1. Valid Reasons: excused absences may be Excused absences may be granted for reasons such as illness, family emergencies, religious observances or participation in institution-approved events. Students must provide appropriate documentation to support their request for an excused absence.
    1. Make up work: Students with excused absences are responsible for making up any missed work, assignments, or assessments. It is their responsibility to coordinate with the faculty member for any necessary arrangements.

    Appeal process: If a student believes that an absence should be considered excused or if they wish to appeal any consequences related to attendance, they may appeal to the principal.

    Review and modification: This attendance policy will be periodically reviewed and may be subject to modification based on feedback, changing circumstances, or institutional needs. Any updates or changes will be communicated to students in a timely manner.

    Monthly attendance statements are prepared and put up on the respective department notice boards so that students’ make up for the attendance in the following months In some cases students are also made to give an undertaking that they would be regular for the next semester and not repeat Such absenteeism.

    Ragging in any form is prohibited on the Nizam College Campus

    The anti Ragging Policy of Nizam College is based on the UGC guidelines. University Grants Commission UGC Regulations on curbing The Meance of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009. (Under Section 26 (1) (g) of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956).

    In view of the Directions of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the matter of “University of Kerala V/S Council, Principals, Colleges and others” in SPL no. 24295 of 2006 dated 16.05.2007 and that dated 08.05.2009 in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, and in consideration of the determination of the Central Government and the University Grant Commission to Prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging. Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student is punishable by law.  Rowdy or indiscipline activities by any student or students, which causes or likely to cause annoyance, hardships or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in  any fresher or any other students is also punishable.  Asking any student to do any act which such student  will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of sane, torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such  fresher or any other student is also ragging.  Such act performed with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student is also considered an offence and punishable by law. All higher education institution in the country, are thereby, to provide for the healthy development, physically or psychologically, of all students, the University Grant Commission, in consultation with the Councils, brings forth this Regulation.

    What is Ragging?

    1. Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts: any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student;
    2. Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or student which cause or likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or
    3. apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student;
    4. Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course to do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student;
    5. Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any other student or a
    6. Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic tasks assigned to an individual or a group of
    7. Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any other student by
    8. Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or any other danger to health or
    9. Any act or abuse by spoken words, emails, post, public insults which would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to fresher or any other
    10. Any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other

    Administrative Action in the event of Ragging:

    Nizam College shall punish a student found guilty of ragging after following the procedure and in the manner prescribed below:

    1. The Anti-Ragging committee of the institution shall take an appropriate decision, in regard to punishment or otherwise, depending on the facts of each incident of ragging and nature and gravity of the incident of ragging established in the recommendations of the Anti- Ragging
    2. The Anti-Ragging Committee may, depending on the nature and gravity of the guilt established by the Anti- Ragging Squad, award, to those found guilty, one or more of the following punishments, namely :
    1. Debarring from representing the institution in any Regional, National or Suspension from attending classes and academic
    2. Withholding / withdrawing scholarships / fellowship and other
    • Debarring from appearing in any test / Examination or other evaluation process.
    1. Withholding
    2. International meet, tournament, youth festival, etc.
    3. Suspension / expulsion from the
    • Cancellation of admission
    • Rustication from the institution for a period ranging from 1 to 4
    1. Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other institution for a specified
    2. Fine may also be imposed as per the severity of the case. If the person committing or abetting the act of ragging are not identified, the institution shall resort to collective
    1. An appeal against the order of punishment by the Anti-Ragging Committee shall lie;
    2. In case of an order of an institution, affiliated to or constituent part, of a University to the Vice-Chancellor of the University;
    3. In case of an order of a University, to its Chancellor.
    • In case of an institution of national importance created by an Act of Parliament, to the Chairman or Chancellor of the institution, as the case may be.

    Nizam College has an established system for maintenance and utilization of computers, classrooms, equipment and laboratories. The parent body Osmania University is especially involved in all major areas of civil engineering projects.  For the day to day small works of civil and electrical and maintenance of the buildings and infrastructure. On campus, there are electricians, plumbers, and other service providers.

    The electrical personnel bears responsibility for the continuous power supply and upkeep of solar panels, power distribution systems, generator, and other equipment. Support workers maintain sewage systems, drainage systems, and water plumbing plants.

    The buildings, staff and student leisure spaces, cafeteria, sports facilities, classrooms, labs, furniture, campus grounds, and maintenance are all under the supervision of a caretaker, who is accompanied by a team of workers. Housekeeping services are available during the day and are contracted out on an annual basis.

    Maintenance of Classrooms, Furniture and Laboratories

    The Head of the Department is empowered to look into the  regular  cleaning of the classrooms, and the maintenance of the furniture, teaching aids, and laboratories is done by the department's attendants and employees. The lab assistants maintain the cleanliness of their own labs. Periodically, the heads of departments provide reports to the administration regarding all maintenance tasks. Priority attention is given to minor repairs. The relevant department's staff keeps an eye on how well the laboratories are being used. Throughout the working day, students make the most use of every classroom and receive mentoring on how to maintain the furnishings.

    Maintenance of Halls, Auditoriums etc.

    The caretaker is responsible for the normal and regular maintenance of the SalarJung Hall, the Auditorium, the Conference Hall and Committee Room with the support of the housekeeping staff who maintains cleanliness. Academic gatherings, conferences, seminars, and cultural events are successfully organized in these places.  

    Maintenance of the Computer Center's Facilities:

    The Computers in the departments and computer labs are all maintained by the Hardware personnel in the College.  They are responsible for the upkeep of the computers and servers on campus. The necessary software installation, antivirus, and upgrade are all included in the annual maintenance by the College. Electronic devices including projectors, PCs, printers, and photocopiers are maintained and repurposed to reduce e-waste. The College Wi-Fi and other internet needs are addressed and attended under the supervision of the Hardware personnel and the Caretaker and the Electrician.

    Maintenance of Sports and Games Facility

    The Physical Director and supporting staff of the Physical Education Department oversees and maintains the campus' grounds and sports equipment. Seasonal maintenance of the various courts and ground level maintenance is ensured. The grounds and courts are well maintained and are used by many outsiders in the evening and morning for their physical fitness through various games and events. Additionally, the grounds are excellently to train many students to train for physical fitness for government jobs. Groundskeepers, retailers of sporting goods, and physical education students work together to keep the sporting items maintained. The gym is regularly maintained by the contractors who supplied the gym equipment.

    Maintenance of Campus Cleanliness

    With the assistance of a contract staff a team of people keep the entire campus is cleaned.  Daily toilet cleaning is done by the respective personnel appointed for the work.  The caretaker is in charge of maintaining the entire campus area.

    Maintenance of other amenities

    The caretaker and his team look after the rainwater collection pits and the sewerage system. The various blocks and departments are outfitted with a sufficient and safe supply of drinking water which are under the supervision of the Annual Maintenance Contractor. With the assistance of the civil engineer, fire extinguishers are placed in different blocks and are maintained by the corresponding departments. The canteen, the food court and student spaces are all kept clean by the housekeeping staff.  The students of Botany department, gardeners and National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers maintain the gardens and lawns.

    Scrap Committee:

    To prevent technological waste and avoid pollution and cut down the CFCs, outdated computers and equipment are disposed of by the Scrap Committee in accordance with regulations of the Osmania University.

    Daily Emergency Repairs

    Daily running repairs, such as changing light bulbs, fixing water leaks in pipes, faucets, valves, and cisterns, clearing clogged drains, fixing locks and door handles, and other small repairs that call for daily maintenance inspections are handled by the Caretaker and his team.

    The aim of the policy is to minimize water usage and conserve water. We strive to follow National Water Policy guidelines in the campus by adopting water conservation measures.

    • The College takes steps to conduct an annual water audit.
    • Rainwater harvesting is one of the methods used on campus for water conservation. Rainwater is gathered and sent to the wells for percolation during the rainy season.
    • To meet water requirements, the campus maintains both an open well and a bore well. Water-saving techniques include bunds, rain pits, wells, and ground water replenishment.
    • Tree-planting, green campus promotion, seminars, and workshops are some of the ways that water conservation awareness is raised.
    • Installing sensor-based and aerator taps ensures optimal and restricted use of water.
    • Water conservation measures include recycling and reusing water. Within the campus, recycled water is used appropriately.

    Nizam College is dedicated to providing everyone the same opportunities, regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or status as a veteran.  Nizam College forbids prejudice in all its manifestations and encourages a diverse and inclusive workplace that upholds the dignity of all workers, students, and candidates. The college will take the necessary steps to guarantee that everyone is treated equally and with dignity and that all choices regarding employment and enrollment are made on the basis of credentials and merit. This policy is encompasses all aspects of employment education and access to services provided by the College.

    The objective of the policy is to promote fairness, equity, and inclusiveness by prohibiting discrimination based on protected characteristics and ensuring that all employment and educational decisions are based on merit and qualifications. All students, employees and applicants of Nizam College are governed by this policy.

    We have an EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES CELL which is dedicated to promoting a diverse and inclusive community and encourages all individuals to join in this effort. The EOC coordinates with all the stake holders to implement an academic process that ensures equal opportunity for all the students.

    Some of the responsibilities of the Equal Opportunity Cell are:

    • Supervising the College's equal opportunity policy's implementation.
    • Look into any complaints of Discrimination and Unequal treatment in any form.
    • Ensure support and resources to students who have experienced discrimination.
    • Educate the Student Community about Equal opportunity policy and promote a culture of inclusivity.

    Under this policy the SC/ST Cell is also created to ensure a society rid of discrimination. We also have a Centre for the Educational Development of Minorities.  All together Nizam College takes proactive steps to not only eradicate discrimination of all kinds but also give extra support to those sections of the society that need to uplifted.

     Disciplinary Action:  The College can take disciplinary action as recommended by the Committees such as Grievance Redressal, Internal Complaints Committee, EOC, or SC/ST Cell or any committee formed to meet the exigencies of the situation.