Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Internal Complaint Cell

Educational institutions are breeding grounds for fostering and formulatiing ideologies and spearheading movements that will work for the elimination of injustices: social, political, religious economic and gender.
The Internal Complaints Cell is in pursuance of the The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. As per the UGC guidelines and Government of India, Nizam college has a Committee against prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace( CASH) which is now re-named as The Internal Complaints Committee (ICC).
The ICC will look into any comlaints relating to Sexual harassment at work place. This cell, on reciept of a complaint will look into the matter and with utmost sensitivity and confidentiality deal with the case.
The duly constituted cell comprises of Senior woman faculty as the Chairperson and other women staff and the Principal and Vice-Principal also.Any female employee (faculty, student or staff) of Nizam college can aproach any member of the ICC to lodge a complaint which will be taken up by the ICC.
Any complaint lodged with ICC will be taken up seriously at various stages in an impartial manner. The ICC will first conduct an intial oral enquiry to ascertain the truth. This will be followed by a more rigoruous exercise of of collecting documentary evidence, and build up the case by recording statements of any possible witnesses including the complainant and come up with a report.
ICC will submit the enquiry report to the Principal who will decide the future course of action depending upon the nature of the harassment.
In accordance with the UGC Regulations 2015 and the Sexual Harassment Act ICC shall act upon complaint in a time bound manner. However, if the allegations are found to be baseless or malicious, the ICC will make the complainiant liable to be punished.

Definition of Sexual Harassment:

"Sexual harassment" includes any unwelcome sexually inclined behaviour, whether directly or indirectly, such as:
Physical contact and advances ,Demand or request for sexual favours Sexually coloured remarks, Showing any pornography, or, Any other unwelcome physical or verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature


The possible actions that can be taken against the offender if the enquiry finds it to be true:

Warning, Written apology, Bond of good behaviour, Adverse remark in the Confidential Report, Stopping of increments/promotion, Suspension, Dismissal and Any other relevant actions depending upon nature of the case.