Saturday, February 8, 2025
The department of at Nizam college started functioning from 1890. The Department has been offering Philosophy as an optional paper to students of B.A., opting for PSP and PEP (PSP: Philosophy-Sociology-Psychology, and PEP: Philosophy- English (Litt)- Psychology) combinations. The autonomy of the college provided academic freedom to the department to frame its own syllabus which is taught through six semesters of three years of B.A., Course. The Department follow the semester system of teaching and evolution. .
The review of the syllabus for the under graduate courses is done by the Board of Studies constituted by the Department. The Department is heard by the Assistant Professor M.Sudhakar and assisted by one part time teacher E.Sagar.
The total number of students from both the combinations (PSP and PEP) is 202 out of which males are 120 and females are 82.
The Percentage of foreign students is 40. The students hail from Turkey, Turkuministan, Kenya, China, Thailand, Sudan, Syria etc.,
The Introduction of Internal Assessment Tests has resulted in the improvement of the success rate of the students of all the three years.
The success rate of students is ninenty percent and dropout rate is five percent only.
The Department is situated in the Centenary Block of Nizam College. The Department has a Computer and Printer with internet connection.
The College Library and the seminar library in the Department has a good collection of books related to the syllabus of Philosophy Courses.
The teachers of the Department take lot of interest in the student's academic and personal development and from time to time offer the required counselling.
The present day society is very badly in need of both philosophical outlook and good grounding in logical thinking and ethical values. Hence, the Department proposes to introduce not only Master's program but also Diploma and Certificate Courses in Philosophy.
The Department also proposes to conduct Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, and Chart Exhibitions to increase the awareness both among the students and general public with regard to the subject and its irreplaceable relevance to leading life and fulfilling the very purpose of existence.
M.Sudhakar , Assistant Professor(C) and Head, Department of Philosophy Nizam College, Osmania University has been working as Assistant Professor in Osmania University constituent Colleges since June 1989. He joined Nizam College on transfer basis on November 3, 2021. He worked as officer on Cultural Affairs and In-charge, Head, Department of Physical Education at PG College of Science OU.
E.Sagar is currently working as an Assistant Professor(PT) in the Department of Philosophy, Nizam College, Osmania University. He is fond of teaching Bhagavat Geetha. He did Philosophy in the year of 2015-17 from OU. He is Pursuing Ph.D scholar in the department of Philosophy.
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