
Geography is one of the most exciting subjects to study at Nizam college. We live in an interdependent world caught up in chains of events which span the globe. We depend upon an increasingly fragile physical environment, whose complex interactions require sophisticated analysis and sensitive management. These issues present intellectual and practical challenges of the first importance and they are amongst the central problems of modern geography. About 30 undergraduates are admitted to Geography every year. Geography at Nizam college, involves undergraduates in a wide range of lectures, practical classes and field courses, organised around a three-year course (called the Geographical Tripos) which is divided into six parts, with an examination at the end of each semester.

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The Department of geography nizam college is one of the oldest department at undergraduate level.. I am join in department of geography August 2014 . Geography include the study of defferent people in different locals of the earth including their activities like agriculture, mining , fishing , trading, manufacturing and construction Dr K . Venatesh has rich teaching expiring in the field of Regional Geography subjects like Geography of Indian, Geography of Telangana. Published research papers in National and International journals. The Department of geography nizam college is one of the oldest department at undergraduate level.. I am join in department of geography August 2014 . Geography include the study of defferent people in different locals of the earth including their activities like agriculture, mining , fishing , trading, manufacturing and construction.

Expert in Physical Geography.

I am in expertise in Geo morphology and Economic Geography.