The Department of Botany was launched in the year 1956 with graduation and became a postgraduate centre in 1980 with the specialization of M.Sc. Mycology and Molecular Plant Pathology. At present the Department of Botany is offering only B.Sc with B.Z.C and Bt.B.C combination with total student strength of 180. For over a quarter century, this Department has been recognized as a research center providing facilities for research in Mycology, Plant Pathology, Ecology, Chemotaxonomy, Embryology and Anatomy. The dynamic and visionary contributions of several teachers earned the Department national recognition for its teaching and research in plant morphology, development and embryology, Seed technology etc. Current thrust areas of teaching and research provide students with substantial exposure and hands-on training in a variety of subject areas in Botany. The disciplines studied include plant structure, growth and development, plant molecular biology, physiology and biochemistry, plant pathology, ecology, genetics, systematics, evolution, and transgenic technology on a variety of taxa ranging from algae, fungi and other microbes, bryophytes and vascular plants at the cellular, organismal, community and ecosystem levels. 25 research scholars were awarded Ph.D. degree for their notable work in various fields of Botany. The faculty has published 260 research papers in national and international journals. Various funding agencies sanctioned research projects and completed successfully. Presently the department is upgraded with modern computer lab and Audio video presentation equipment to enhance the teaching efficiency and student skills. Department has well equipped Applied Palynology laboratory, Herbal garden. In addition Department organizes various training programmes, seminars, workshops and outreach programmes to students on regular basis to enrich their knowledge. The faculty is showing excellent progress in research on par with various established departments. Alumni have gone on to become acclaimed teachers, scientists, administrators, and managers in various scientific and corporate sectors.

The Department of Environmental Science is introduced in the year 2008 at Nizam College. Since then, the Department is handling B.A. E/M, B.A. T/M, B.Com (Regular), B.Com (Computers) & BCA I Year I Semester &B.Sc., [Phy.Sc], [Biol.Sc], B.Sc., Honours&B.B.A. I Year II Semester. With the introduction of Environmental Science as one of the subject in P.G (CBCS course), the Department has gained immense popularity among the student community. The study of Environmental Science is indispensable for all citizens of the world. It is heartening that UGC has decided and directed all educational institutions to introduce the course Environmental Science. As per the guidelines, it is followed in our institution. The subject generates concepts of prediction, prospects, promotion, preservation and vision about restoration of natural resources thereby conserving environment. OBJECTIVES:
  • The general study of the subject to bring in environmental literacy.
  • To emphasize the value of Environmental Education at basic level to all professional courses.
  • To inform everyone about the resources, their conservation and efforts towards their sustainability.
  • To permeate knowledge about saving components of our nation’s wealth.
  • To Prepare the students in policy designing for mitigation of biological disasters, water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, Soil erosion and soil pollution, radioactive material pollution, food adulteration and poisoning and above all ensuring security and wellbeing of humanity.
  • Education alone leads us to prevent environmental deterioration. To achieve all these, a basic knowledge is given in our college.

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Faculty Members

Dr.Chilumula Satyavathi is a Faculty at the Department of Botany, Nizam college, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana State. She did M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed., and Ph.D. degree in Botany from the Osmania University, Hyderabad. She has been joined the Osmania University in 2011 as a faculty where she supervised research activities in the field of Genetics ,Cyotogenetics ,Cellular and Moleculor Biology and Tissue culture and biotechnology. She currently serves as I/C Head, Department of Botany, Nizam College. She teaches Degree and PGon Microbial diversity and lower plants ,Gymnosperms,Taxonomy of Angiosperms and ecology, Plant Anatomy and Embryology SEC –Nursery amd Gardening and Mushroom culture technology ,Cell Biology,Genetics and Plant Physiology and Biodiversity and conservation to bachelor students and master students. She atteneded many national workshops, Seminars and Conferences for academicians and professional development .She gave several talks in seminars and conferences.

Dr. B. Manju has joined Nizam College in November, 2021 on transfer from University College for Women, Koti as Faculty in the Department of Environmental Science. She has been a part of the Osmania University since 16 years and she has been teaching Environmental Studies for U.G. i.e., B.A. , B.Sc., & B.Com at University College for Women, Koti, since 2008. She was awarded Ph.D., Environmental Science, Osmania University on 12th January, 2023. Her topic of research was "Ground Water Quality of Ramachandrapuram and Serilingampally, Telangana, India". She has done her Masters in Environmental Science from University College of Science, Osmania University. She has also done Bachelors degree in Education, B.Ed. She has undergone 3 months training programme on “ Remote Sensing & GIS – Technology & Applications “ at National Remote Sensing Centre [NRSC], Balanagar, Hyderabad from December, 2007 to February, 2008. She has attended conferences & workshops on science within the city. She has two paper publications to her credit. She is a member, Literary and Cultural Club, Nizam College. She had been an IQAC member at UCW, Koti. She had been one of the members in Board Of Studies, Environmental Science, Dept. of Botany, UCW. She was one of the coordinators of Eco-club, Dept. Of Botany, UCW.

Myself Humeraha Nazneen holds a 19 years of teaching experience in Botany where I have taught subjects like Cell Biology, Plant Physiology, Anatomy Ecology, Plant Biotechnology, Environmental Science, Tissue culture ,Classical Botany (Angiosperms, Gymnosperms, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Algae, Fungi) for both public and private sectors. I believe that this post represents an excellent opportunity for me to develop my academic career and I consider myself to be an eminently suitable candidate with highly relevant research and teaching experience. My PhD was entitled "Somaclonal variation studies in Stevia rebaudiana Bert. Stevia rebaudiana Bert (Asteraceae) has garnered attention with the rise in the demand for low carbohydrate, low-sugar food alternatives. It has also shown promise in medical research for treating such conditions as obesity and high blood pressure. Stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose, even enhancing glucose tolerance, therefore, it is attractive as a natural sweetener to diabetics and others on carbohydrate-controlled diets. In the present research we have taken a mother plant of Stevia rebaudiana Bert (Asteraceae) and cultured it in tissue culture lab in order to avoid contamination. Here we have standardized the protocols for micropropogation to rooting of the plant, we were able to micropropogate the Stevia plant in tissues culture lab we have developed callus, observed Somatic embryos and were successful in generating plants from somatic embryo genetically grown callus, we have gone for HPLC analysis of Stevioside compound which is the main component for the sweetness of the plant in this analysis we have compared standard Stevioside with that of invitro somatic embryo genetically grown plants Stevioside and found no variation in the concentration of sweetness of the compound, we came across different types of molecular techniques, like RFLP,RAPD, like that., here we have also done RAPD analysis and found no variation as compared to the controlled plant. The results brought into the light the potential nature of Stevia. No genetic variability was detected among the tissue culture raised plant lets, nodal explants can be successfully employed for the commercial multiplication of Stevia without much risk of genetic instability. I have published 5 papers in this research topic. I believe that my research experience will address topics that will also be accessible to undergraduate and post graduate researchers, and I would be thrilled to have the chance to direct both undergraduate and post graduate research projects in plant tissue culture techniques as well as guide independent studies in tissue culture, and molecular biology area. As my CV illustrates, I have a broad range of teaching experience, from extensive tutoring and individual mentoring to teaching undergraduate and post graduate courses in Botany. In the undergraduate and post graduate courses at Osmania University, I prepare and deliver my own lectures for 15 hrs./ week, hold office hours and review sessions, help to write and grade exams, and am always accessible to students by email. And sit with the students and discuss their paper which involves negotiation of ideas and problem-solving skills. Indeed, I believe improving communication with the student body is paramount. My efforts in improving the student experience have helped the department achieve a reputation for transparency and innovation. I am now keen to develop my academic career further in a highly rated research institution where there are opportunities for future career development. With a reputation for academic and research excellence, I believe that joining this department will expose me to a vigorous research community which will allow tremendous cross-fertilization of ideas. I would also be interested in getting involved in your degree programs and in your e-learning initiatives, which is an interest of mine. In summary, I would like to reiterate my interest in the position and would be extremely grateful if you would consider my application positively. I am convinced I would bring a great deal to the department.

I started teaching botany and environmental sciences since 2005 from Mumtaz college I use to teach Botany both intermediate and degree students and I am botany counselor of B. R. Ambedkar open university and maulana azad national urdu university since 2005 I use to do evaluation of degree papers of osmania university, DR. BR. Abedkar open university and maulana azaad national open university

CH.NAGESH is a part time lecturer in the Department of Botany, Nizam college(Autonomous) Osmania University, Hyderabad. He obtained his masters in Botany from Osmania university. He completed diploma in spoken english from Vivekananda institute of languages, Ramakrishna math, Hyderabad. He has one year teaching experience at undergraduate level. He participated in many seminars. He got state best volunteer award in National service scheme. He participated national adventure camp at Arunachal pradesh and achieved Indian book of record. He trained in magic from telangana state Bc study circle.

Mr. Thappatla Narendar was appointed as a Faculty in 2013 in the Botany Department of Nizam College. "Studies on plant diversity and conservation practices in sacred groves of Telangana State" is the title of his Ph.D. and published two research articles in international journals while pursuing his Ph.D. on sacred groves. In 2011, he earned his Master of Science degree in Botany with the specialization of Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Medicinal botany and Biodiversity & conservation from Govt. degree and PG College, Osmania University, Wanaparthi District. He completed B.Ed. program from Malla Reddy College of Teachers Education, Hyderabad. He has taught for 13 years, covering topics such as Taxonomy of Angiosperms, Biodiversity & Conservation, microbial diversity and lower plants, gymnosperms, Genetics, cell biology, plant physiology, anatomy, ecology, plant biotechnology, plant tissue culture & Genetic engineering. He attended over 10 seminars and even a webinar. The book titled "A Concise study material of Biodiversity for Under Graduate students" was also written by him.