
The Department of Public Administration introduced in the year 1958 in Osmania University. It witnessed further expansion in 1961 when Master Programme was offered on a regular basis. The basic aim of introducing the M.A course was to enable students to take up careers in Government service and Public affairs. The research activity got a fillip with the introduction of Doctoral Programme in 1964 and M.Phil in 1970.

Department of Public Administration was established in the year 1960 at Nizam College. Since than the Department is handling BA (Telugu and English Medium), Post Graduate (MA) started in 1997. More number of Foreign students i.e. ( Afghanistan, Nigeria, South Africa, Maldives etc.,) attracted towards department of Public Administration as per the importance in their countries. With the introduction of Public Administration as one of the subjects both in civil services examination of the UPSC and APPSC, the Department has gained immense popularity among the student community.

The Department of Public Administration has an excellent faculty with exposure to public administration at the national and international levels. The basic objective of the faculty is to constantly re-invent itself in tune with the changing as well as future needs of economy and society so as to impart skills, knowledge and leadership among the students. The other objectives is to promote research efforts of academic staff to better understanding of the nature, problems and potential of modern society in the realm of governance and administration.

Faculty Members

Dr. Vempati Bhaskar has been working a Faculty in the department of Public Administration, Nizam College, and Osmania University since 2009. He has published several papers in reputed journal and presented papers in national and international seminars. He has 10 years of teaching experience in various institutions.