Wednesday, March 26, 2025
 Re-Accredited by NAAC 'A'

Women Empowerment Cell

Women Empowerment Cell


The Empowered Women is Powerful Beyond Measure and Beautiful Beyond Description
Every citizen of the country, male and female, enjoys the right to education and employment in an environment of safety and security. The Constitution of India provides for “Gender Equality” and the “Right to life and liberty” to all persons under Articles 14, 19 and 21.It is thus the duty and mandate of every organization to provide maintenance of the fundamental rights to live and work with dignity for all employees: male and female.


Women Empowerment Cell is active in the institution which works for the welfare of the students and faculty towards preparing them into competent professionals to take up greater challenges in the academic sphere. The Cell stands for facilitating Women Empowerment through guest lectures, Seminars, Awareness programs, Health checkups and other Welfare activities. Women Cell is established with the motto of “towards self empowered mind“. It also provides a platform for women to share their experiences and views regarding their status in the society. Added to it suggestions for improvement and empowerment among themselves has been given. Aiming at intellectual and social upliftment of the female students and faculty

  • Empower women to realize their potential and compete for equal opportunities in building a successful home and career.
  • To acquire the world free of thoughts where women’s rights are respected, imposing that women are strong, effective and well-resourced to allocate the achievement and to be free from Gender biased society. Mission:
  • To provide a platform for girls and women to share their experiences and views regarding their status in society and to suggest ways to improve and empower themselves.
  • To uplift the girls socially and intellectually the cell conducts various Awareness programs on health, entrepreneurship, legal Rights, etc., in order to equip them with the right knowledge for a life of equality, empowerment, personal enhancement and professional success.
  • To empower them in raising voice against Gender discrimination/ Injustice/ Violence

Coordinator WEC


Mrs. S. Sravanthi,M.Sc(CS), MTech(CS)

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