Professors of Practice play a crucial role in bridging the gap between academic learning and real-world applications by bringing extensive industry experience and practical insights into the classroom. Unlike traditional faculty, they focus on experiential learning, integrating hands-on training, real-life case studies, and industry-driven projects to enhance students' understanding beyond theoretical concepts. Their presence helps students develop critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a professional mindset, making them industry-ready.
By fostering collaboration between academia and industry, Professors of Practice ensure that students stay updated with the latest trends, emerging technologies, and career opportunities. They contribute to curriculum development by aligning it with industry requirements, ensuring that students acquire relevant and practical knowledge. Additionally, they mentor students in research, innovation, and entrepreneurship, guiding them toward patents, startups, and interdisciplinary projects.
Beyond teaching, they facilitate internships, industrial visits, and networking opportunities, connecting students with professionals, organizations, and job prospects. Their guidance also plays a key role in helping students navigate career choices, skill development, and higher education pathways. By serving as a bridge between theoretical learning and professional expertise, Professors of Practice significantly enhance the quality of education and student employability, making them an invaluable asset to academic institutions.
• Consultant: Gender, Stakeholder Engagement and Safeguards Specialist: UN – FAO India
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation for the propjet: Transforming Andhra
Pradesh aquaculture to a sustainable, reduced footprint and climate resilient food system June 3-
Dec 31, 2024
• Principal Advisor - Nutrition Project – WASSAN – NGO India since January 2024
• Course Content Manual on Agrobiodiversity, Ecosystem Management and Human welling
for Martin Luther Christian University, Shilong and GIZ Meghalaya
• Project Completion Report Validation Mission of IFAD funded “Integrated Livelihoods
Support Project,” Uttara Khand September 1-15, 2021
• Project Completion Review Report for North Eastern Region Community Resource
Management Project for Upland Areas (NERCORMP III) [A Project of North Eastern
Council, Ministry of DoNER, Govt of India] NERCORMP. August 2021
Dr. B. Dinesh Kumar, PhD (Pharmacology) FNAMS, FAPASc, FTASc, FIPS, Former Scientist 'G' (Director Grade) ICMR-National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) Director, Translational Science Research Services Hyd, Expert Angle -Brane Enterprises; Councilor - IUPHAR-PNPS Former National President/ Secretary - Indian Pharmacological Society (IPS) Former Vice-President / Secretary - Nutrition Society of India (NSI)
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G Devender, MCA, HDSE, M.Com
Department of Commerce , Nizam College