
The Department of Sociology is one of the largest Departments in Nizam College offering both UG courses, PG courses, Career Oriented Add on courses. The Department of Sociology, Nizam College is an offshoot of the evolution, growth and development of ninety years of sociological endeavors in Osmania University. The important objectives of the courses offered are:

  • To impart basic knowledge and values pertaining to social living through the various theoretical contents and practical exercises
  • To sensitize the students about various issues of evolving social developments, social problems and social milieu.
  • To provide a platform to the students to equip themselves to secure good careers and jobs along with a socially responsible attitude and action towards nation building

The department has introduced CBCS at both PG and UG level keeping in view the UGC and Parent department guidelines. As part of CBCS at PG level initially the department offered interdisciplinary papers like Sociology of Youth and Sociology of Education. The department had also offered compulsory Add on Course Community Work which not only brings awareness about community responsibility but also trains the students for careers in development sector. At UG level the department offers the following three papers:

  • Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) Human Values and Ethics
  • Skill Enhancement Compulsory Course (SECC):
    • Indian Society and Social Change
    • Disaster Management

The department practices continuous evaluation by conducting one internal at UG level and two internals at PG level. Project works and seminar presentations are regular feature of the department.

Vision of the Department

Empower and develop citizenship among students by encouraging and fostering respect of diversity, sense of community, nation building and attainment of global perspectives.

Courses Offered

The combinations offered by the Department of Sociology, Nizam College at UG level are

    • Sociology, History, Geography
    • Sociology, Psychology, Philosophy
    • Sociology, Psychology, Marketing (Self Finance course)
    • Sociology, Urdu, Persian

The PG centre at Nizam College emphasizes on Development and Participatory Research with field work in practical papers in MA Previous (PRA Field studies) and Final (Survey Method). Most significantly at PG level there is emphasis on student centered learning.

PRA Method

Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is a form of participatory research, deeply rooted in participation. It is a method by which a researcher or research team can quickly and systematically collects information for the general analysis of a specific problem or issue, assessing the needs of a particular community or area. The students are taken for a weeklong fieldwork to an identified area with the assistance of an NGO, which is active in the region. The students with the assistance of field supervisors and the local community try to understand the area in all its facets using various PRA methods. The students themselves understand the socio-economic, geo-topographical, psycho-cultural set up of the area under the study. The experience and interaction with the community and their stay with the rural/tribal community is immensely enriching since they witness the grass root realities of the society. The various exercises of PRA can be facilitated only with community participation thus they realize the power in community participation, which definitely at a subconscious level makes them community sensitive, responsible and more participative.

Survey Method

In survey method students take up any research topic under the supervision of the faculty. The steps in survey include a brief review of literature, formulation of the questionnaire or an interview schedule on the basis of the type of the study. After the consolidation of the research tools, they collect the data from the field. After the fieldwork they tabulate, analyse and interpret the data. Then they write the report of the same. Survey as a tool of self-learning acts as a strong interface between the students and social issues, concerns and problems of the society. Data collection is a significant tool of exposure to diversity in the society.

Innovative Courses

The Department is offering 03 Add on Courses

      • Certificate Courses in Human Relations and Personality Development (January 2007).
      • Diploma in Criminology and Correctional Administration (February 2007)
      • Diploma in Development Management Studies and Development Research Methodologies (February 2009)

All these three courses are interdisciplinary and are very popular among foreign students.

Time Table click here

Faculty Members

Dr Deekonda Thirupathi is the Incharge Head of the Department of Sociology at Nizam College. He teaches both UG and PG courses.He has been working as an in the Department of Sociology at Nizam College since 2012. Before the teaching assignment at Nizam College, Dr Thirupathi worked as in the Department of Sociology, University College of Arts and Social Sciences, Osmania University, from 2009 to 2012. He is also a visiting faculty at the Centre for Distance Education at Osmania University. He was awarded a Ph.D. In 2012, for his dissertation "ORIGIN IDEOLOGY AND EMPOWERMENT OF WEAKER SECTIONS -A STUDY OF BSP IN UTTAR PRADESH", subsequently he published a book, "Socio-political Empowerment of Weaker Sections - A Study of BSP in Uttar Pradesh, in 2014. Dr Thirupathi worked as a Research Investigator at the Department of Sociology for six months in 2006 and as a Project Fellow at ASIHSS, Department Of Sociology, for four years from 2006-2011. He also has PRA fieldwork experience since 2007. He has presented ten research papers at national and international conferences and published ten papers in multiple journals. He has also been involved in different administrative roles as 'A' Hostel mess warden from 2012-13 and N. R .S. Hostel Mess warden from 2013-14 and worked as Nizam College UG -PG mess warden from 2013 -14. He also worked as hostel mess warden for E2 and Sarayu hostels in 2022-23. At present, he took responsibilities as an EOC(Equal Opportunity Cell) Co-ordinator at Nizam College.

Dr.P.Malathi’s doctoral research was on ‘Problems of working women in unorganized sector’, A comparative sociological study of women workers in Hyderabad. Her areas of research interest are Development studies, Research Methodology, Urban Sociology. Presently she is coordinator, Diploma in Development Management Studies and Development Research Methodologies (DDMS&DRM), criterion member of IQAC, one of the members who successfully completed Moocs Project on Agrarian Sociology, and also Moocs-Rusa for B.A Sociology programme of Collegiate Education, Telangana State. She has written lessons for Telugu Academy, Dr.Ambedkar Open University for UG course, translated few lessons from English to Telugu.

Dr. K. Bhavani Shankar has been with the Department of Sociology, Nizam College since 2009. He did his M. Phil. on “Social Implications of Economic Reforms in Andhra Pradesh: A Sociological Study of Warangal District in Telangana Region”. His doctoral research is on “Social Implications of Economic Reforms and Globalization in Andhra Pradesh: A Sociological Study of Warangal District in Telangana Region”. He has done (Joint Work done with Dr. Vinita Pandey and Dr. Ravi Kumar) two minor research Projects on “Ambitions and Aspirations of Youth in Contemporary Society: A comparative study between Indian and Foreign students studying in Osmania University” and “Social Media and Networking: The New Age Social Communication”, funded by SAP - DSA, Phase –I & II (UGC), Department of Sociology, Osmania University, Hyderabad (2010). He is the Coordinator for all the Diploma Courses being offered by Nizam College, Course Coordinator for Diploma course in “Criminology and Correctional Administration” and also Coordinator for “Cell for the Differently Abled”, Nizam College. He is life member of Telangana Sociological Society and Andhra Pradesh Sociological Society. He is member, Board of Studies, Department of Sociology, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad. He is co-author for book entitled “Gender Sensitization”, Professional Books Publisher, Hyderabad, 2017. He is Editor-Cum-Writer for Sociology Study Material for Senior Secondary (Intermediate) Course being offered by Andhra Pradesh State Open School, Hyderabad. He is also the co-editor, for the book entitled Environment Degradation and sustainable Development. He has written lesson for both UG and PG programmes being offered by SDLCE, Kakatiya University, Warangal, Dr. BRAOU, Hyderabad and PGRRCDE, Osmania University, Hyderabad. He has published several research papers in national and international journals. His areas of interest are Development Studies, Industrial Sociology and Research Methodology.

Dr. Didgi Harshavardhan is with Department of Sociology, Nizam college from January 2020, Earlier he has done his Masters in Sociology from University of Hyderabad and awarded with Junior Research Fellowship (UGC NET-JRF) to pursue his PhD. He choose the prestigious Osmania University to undertake his PhD research with Topic 'Impact of Civil Society Organization's on Public Understanding of Science' and awarded with Doctoral Degree in 2017. Later he joined as Faculty of Sociology in Sri Chaitanya Degree College, an affiliated college of Osmania university and worked there for two years. He got selected to Indian Council for Social Sciences Research (ICSSR) Post-Doctoral Fellowship for his proposal 'Decoding Science Policy Resolutions of the Government Since Independence' an Explorative Study, in 2019. He was a participant in Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS), conducted by University of Bergen, Norway in 2017 and completed a credit course with University of Bergen (UIB). He was associated with National University of Singapore (NUS) for a project on 'Urban Cities, livability and sustainability' under the Guidance of Prof. Tracy skeleton. He has presented a Research paper in prestigious All India Social Sciences Congress (AISSC) Young Social Scientists session held in Mangaluru in 2015. Besides academic institutions he also has teaching experience with civil services coaching before joining the University, he taught for Undergraduate and Post graduate Sociology courses and Sociology optional for Mains to Civils aspirants across institutes. His research interests includes Science and Society interface (STS), Indian society, Sociology of Education, Political Sociology and Sociology of Urbanization.

Dr. CH. SRUTHI, Faculty , Dept. of Sociology, Nizam College, Osmania University, Hyderabad (Since Feb., 2023). She had a Doctoral Degree for thesis entitled “Globalization and Women Artisans : A Sociological Study in Changing Artisan Caste Professions in Telangana” from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Dept. of Sociology, Kakatiya University, Telangana, India. Initially, she had completed Polytechnique Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering, later Graduated in BA from Osmania University and Masters MA in Sociology with Social Work as one of Special papers from Kakatiya University. She had qualified both UGC-NET and APSET in Sociology.

She has been actively publishing several research papers pertaining to variety of fields namely Social Justice, Agrarian Crisis, Genetically Modified Crops and Food Security, Gender Issues, Thematic Issues on Artisans, Mission Kakatiya, Social relevance of Scientific Inventions, Sustainable Development, Social Implications in Higher Education in India, Covid-19 and Lockdown Policy – Migrants, Critical analysis of Welfare Schemes of Telangana, Nationalistic Ideology of Mahatma Jyothiba Phule etc., in various National and International Journals in general and presented papers in Conferences in particular. She had also successfully published a book entitled “Globalization and Artisans” as an Author under Gyan Books Pvt. Ltd, Kalpaz Publications, New Delhi.
Recently, She had successfully completed a Short Research Project entitled “THE CONTEMPORARY AGRARIAN SECTOR OF INDIA – A PRAXIS : MEASURES FOR AGROECOLOGY SYSTEM THROUGH AGRARIAN RATIONALISM OF MAHATMA JYOTIBA PHULE” during 2023-24, offered by Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Research Centre, Osmania University.