
In the city of Hyderabad, Nizam College has occupied a prestigious position. Nizam College was established in the year 1883. In the year 1910 Dept. of Telugu was established. The first Professor in the Department of Telugu was Shri. Raiprolu Venkatarama Somayajulu. He worked in Nizam college from 1910-1930, late in the year 1942 Shri. Kuruganti Seetharamaya took charge. During his tenure, he began 'Telugu Saraswatha Samiti' for the students. He organized many literature oriented sessions. Many great scholars from all over Andhra Pradesh used to visit sessions. In 1950 Garikipati Lakshmikantiah worked as a lecturer in the Department.

Nizam College has seen many students and scholars who had later become the prominent lecturer's of the Dept. To name few like, Prof. Kandavally. Lakshmiranjanam, Prof. Birudhuraju Ramaraju 'Gnannapeta' awarde Prof. C. Narayan Reddy, Prof. Gopala Krishna Rao etc.. Telangana Poets like, Dasharadhi Krishnamacharylu, Davullapali Ramanuja Rao, Burugula Ranganath Rao, etc...

Department of Telugu was initially began only for the Intermediate students and later on extended for both Under Graduates students as (Modern Language) and in the year 1982 for Post Graduates students, because of which this college was associated with Osmania University and other constituent colleges. After repeated trials from 2009-2010. Department of Telugu was introduced in Nizam College.

At present 700 students opt for Telugu as 'Second language' and 100 students as 'Special Language'. Department of Telugu has 90 students at M.A. Level. Many lecturers who has worked in Osmania University and also worked at Nizam College.

Every year Department of Telugu organizes 'Telugu Basha Dinotsavam'. Apart from this, the Students also conduct 'Guru Pujoutsovam' for the Lecturers in the Department. The students who had completed their U.G & P.G. Courses in the Department of Telugu, Nizam College, have got good placements in both private sectors and Government sectors also.



Faculty Members

Dr. Velpula Kumara swamy is Faculty and Head, Department of Telugu, Nizam College, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana State. He received the M.A., B.Ed., & Ph.D. degrees in Department of Telugu from Osmania University. He was joined the Osmania university in 2011 as a Faculty. He published a book titled "allam rajaiah kathalu-telangana jivana chitrana " in 2011. He conducted a national seminar as a convener on "Telangana dalita katha saahityam-samalochana " on 7&8 December, 2017 in University P.G. College, Secundrabad, Osmania University. He also conducted a national seminar as a co- convener on "Telangana bhasha-samalochana " on 7&8 April, 2022 in Nizam College, Osmania University. Dr. Velpula Kumara swamy published 15 research papers various books, magazines & dailies. He also presented 10 research papers both national & international seminars. He attended many national workshops, Seminars and Conferences for academicians and professional development. Dr. Velpula Kumara swamy worked as a hostel general warden in Arts & Social sciences College, Osmania University on 2013. He worked as a N.S.S. program co-ordinator, at university P.G. College, Secundrabad, Osmania University on 2014. He worked as a Head, Department of Telugu, university P.G. College, Secundrabad, Osmania University on 2014-2021.

Dr. K. Narender has completed his bachelor degree in B.A(Literature) from Osmania university In 2001. And he obtained his masters M.A(telugu ) in 2003 from Arts college O U. he has completed M.Phil in 2005 from Arts college O .U, and Ph.D in 2008 From Osmania university . Dr. Narender has Qualified UGC-NET in 2011.,AP-SET in 2012. Dr.Narender He His attended national and international conferences presented papers ,Attended work shops . Has published many Reserch publications in Various magazines and daily papers . He contribution world telugu conference in 2017. He published Kolimi vyasa samputi in 2012 . He Authored one monograph (published by telugu Acadami ) 2017. organized seminars and conferences: * He His organized one UGC national seminar at jan-2017 "Telangana rastramlo unnatavidyavidanam viswavidyalayalapatra" in Dpt of Telugu nizam college . * He his organized one international seminar on Feb-22,23-2018 Collaboration with Nizam college and Telangana sahithi academy and higher education telangana in Dpt of Telugu nizam college. Administrator: He His administrator nizam college (Warden E2 hostel Mess) from 2013 to till date . He active patespation in the college many programs . He Working as a Assent Professor (PT) lecture science 2nd july 2010 to Till the date working as asst professor August 2014 to oct-2014 He His established Cultural society telugu association in 2017. He His organized Blood Donation camp in E-2 Hostel in 2014 . He His Organized Plantation program E-2 Hostel in 2014 . He His organized SWACHH BHARTH SWACHH NIZAM in Feb -2017 . He has put in 15 years of teaching experience. His areas of interest are ancient & modern Telugu literature. He is at present serving as a Faculty in the Department of Telugu, Nizam College, O.U. He has participated in various National, international Seminars and Conferences and presented Research papers. He has written Reviews for the various Books. He had organized three national and two International Conferences. His literary Research Essays were published in various monthly magazines and journals. He had penned a novel during novel COVID-19 titled "Niyantrana" with the subject of COVID-19. He authored six books, His work 'Shodhana' a collection of research articles was published in2019. He authored a book comprising Telangana movement and songs 2019. He has written biographies of k. Jayashankar and Gooda anjaiah, which were published by Telugu Academy, in 2017 Hyderabad. He has edited two books "kapliavayi Linga Murthy Jeevitham Sahithyam" Published by Telangana Sahitya Academy 2020, and "Padya Petika "published by vani Prachuranalu, Nagarkurnool, in 2020. He has written 'Kolimi' a collection of essays in 2012. He has established 'Telugu Association' which organizes events on social and literary aspects. He has worked associated editor of "Rajakiya Rachabanda" monthly magazine.

Dr. P. Nagendar has achieved a unique mark for himself as a poet, critic and writer. In a career spanning over two decades, he has published over hundred keenly focused, well appreciated analyses on different aspects of modern literature, ''MOGURAM -A COLLECTION OF LITERARY ESSAYS'' in his recent (January, 2012) publication, much appreciated poetry collections like 'Chikkanavuthunna Paata', 'Bahu Vachanam', 'Matthhadi' etc., had the honour of presenting his writings. His writings on Telugu Literature and on various identity agitations of the times have widely attracted discussion and appreciation. He presented four papers in U.G.C. level seminars on 'Telangana Telugu Katha' and no 'Madelu Puranam Prathyekata' and 'Samakaleena kavithawam - B.C. Vada Drukpadam', and 'Kalogi Kavithwam - Oka Parisheelana'. His undergraduate level teaching career started from 2001, and from to till date, his thirteenth year as a teacher, he started teaching Post Graduate and U.G.level students at the prestigious Nizam College. His speciality is modern Telugu literature. Earlier, all his major degrees, M.A. M.Phil., and Ph.D. have come from Osmania University. His these papers were 'Jangama Katha - Oka Parisheelana' and 'Samakaaleena Telugu Kavithavam - Praantheeyataaa Drukpadhaalu' for M.Phil and Ph.D. respectively. He was the Secretary, Nalgonda Region to 'Neelagiri Sahiti Samstha' from 1992 to 1998. He was one of the convenors to 'Telangaana Samskruthika Vedika' between 1998 and 2002. He was the assistant Editor to many poetry collections, 'Padunekkina Paata' is one among them. His research theses submission'

Ph.D(Telugu) Awarded in oct, 2017. From Osmania University. Hyderabad, M.A. Telugu June 2008. From Osmania University, UGC NET in June 2008. Started teaching in Nizam College from august 2010 to till date. My Artciles are 5(Five), Seminar Papers are 5(Five) including one International Conference, teaching UG and PG. And M.A(Sanskrit) also completed in 2001 from Osmania University. Part time Lecturer working since August 2020. Having ph.D.

Mr. Naliganti Sharath Babu has joined the Dept.of Telugu on 1st August 2010, as P.T.L, Presently he is doing his Doctor research on "Telangana Gayaka Kavula- Sahitya Parishilana" from Dept.of Telugu,O.U. He is specilised in modern poetry in Telugu, He teaches Telugu for U.G & P.G Students.

Dr. Chandraiah Shivanna is a Faculty at the Department of Telugu, Nizam College, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana State. He received the M.A., M. Phil. & Ph.D. degrees in Department of Telugu from University of Hyderabad. He worked as a Faculty in A.V. College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Hyderabad for 4 years (2017-2021). And he also worked in Center of Excellence for Studies in Classical Telugu (CESCT), Nellore as a Associate Research fellow for 1 year (2021-2022). He Worked as a teacher assistant (TA) in AIIS, Delhi through online mode for two years (2020-2022). He was joined the Nizam College, Osmania University in 2022 as a Faculty. Dr. Chandraiah Shivanna teaches several courses on Classical Telugu Literature, Classical grammar, Modern Linguistics, Evolution of Telugu for Master students and bachelor students. Dr. Chandraiah submitted a project (Cultural dictionary of Telangana) to Telangana sahitya academy in 2020. Dr. Chandraiah published 15 research papers various books, magazines & dailies. He also presented 10 research papers both national & international seminars. He attended many national workshops, Seminars and Conferences for academicians and professional development. He published a book with anthology of his poems namely edari vaasana in 2019. Dr. Chandraiah edited anthology of poems written by students in 2020.